This might end up over on Gotham City News once I figure out what exactly I want to do with it. The blog, I mean. Wrote it today at lunch, sitting in Battery Park, having completely forgotten I was supposed to be at the the dentist!
Gotham City Suite
Untitled, #1somewhere in the city
when night blankets the streets
and evil comes out to playa man with too much money
and too little hope
battles demons
real and imaginedhe is neither cure
nor salvemerely a tourniquet
sacrificing limb for body
peace of mind for soulhis enemies are funhouse
reflections of himselfhe often wonders
what that meanswhether the weight of a fist
mangling flesh and bone
can truly silence the howlsif the stench of compromise
can overpower that of decayif fighting fire with fire
is simply redundant
a cliche whose time has passed.perched on a ledge
overlooking abbreviated youth
he studies the bloodstained alley
where he was born again
looking for a sign
to give up the fightfeels the stretch marks
across his shoulder blades
the weight of the world threatening
to split the hardened skinhe knows this city
like a death row convict
knows his cellhas paced its length and width
and lack of depthhas spilled his own blood
and that of othershas seen death’s grin
a million times overand knows no other way
to live.he could turn his back
leave it to others
hope they are up to the taskinstead
he straightens to his full height
strains against the confines of his skin
and leaps into the night sky.above
a shaft of light pierces the darkness
and rests against the cloudssomewhere in the city
he is needed.
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