More fun with the Doctor, courtesy of Slate:
Answering the question about [his foreign policy] inexperience, [Howard] Dean says he studied “under what I consider to be the best history department in the United States, at Yale University.” I can see the ad. Left half of the screen: “Bush. Won Two Wars.” Right half: “Dean. Studied at Yale.”
But for now, Dean just wants to make clear he’s no hippie. He says he belongs to the tradition of “Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Reagan, and the first President Bush.” The big lie of the campaign, [Dean’s chief foreign policy adviser, Ivo] Daalder tells the reporters in Washington, is that if you’re against the Iraq war, you’re against war. Dean is a “centrist,” Daalder insists. “If there’s a radical in this fight, it is the president. And if there’s a conservative … it’s Howard Dean.” Would Dean cut defense spending? “No,” Daalder replies emphatically, without a moment’s pause.
On my way out, I ask Daalder about something Dean said in Iowa four months ago: that he wants a foreign policy more like Jimmy Carter’s. Daalder practically jerks backward, as though he’s just been told somebody saw his candidate wearing a dress. You can be sure we won’t be hearing stuff like that from Howard Dean anymore.
Elvis has left the building!
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