You are currently viewing Pumpkin Seeds: 2/26/2004

Pumpkin Seeds: 2/26/2004

1. Can The Passion of Christ be nominated for Best Adapted Screenplay next year? Or Best Foreign-Language Film? As I see it, that’s the only legitimate controversy surrounding Mel Gibson’s movie. I repeat: IT’S A MOVIE!

2. Lena Horne forces Janet Jackson to drop out of her bio-pic. Justin Timberlake is forced to step down from co-hosting a Motown tribute. J.C. Chasez, guilty by association, was booted from a Pro Bowl appearance. ER, completely unconnected, is forced to blur a peripheral shot of a dead woman’s breasts. 20 more US soliders have been killed in Iraq since the Super Bowl, bringing the total to 549 in just under one year. George W. Bush still has a pretty good shot at being re-elected. More than 11 million people watched The Bachelorette last week. America is a very stupid place.

3. Tonight’s Democratic Primary debate (CNN, 9pm EST) better be a good one. If someone doesn’t land a couple of body shots on Kerry, this whole thing may be over by next Wednesday. And I mean the whole thing.

4. Have spent the past month trying to read The Black House, the Stephen King/Peter Straub sequel to The Talisman. I’m on page 29 and have read several of those 29 pages multiple times, desperately trying to get into the story. Barring skipping forward a couple of chapters, I don’t think I will. It’s tedious and not the least bit interesting.

5. Maroon 5 is a weird combination of Matchbox Twenty, Red Hot Chili Peppers and Mint Condition. Very cool.

6. Mike McGee is the reigning Indie Slam Champ. Sekou won the title in 2002. In contrast, Mayda del Valle won it in 2001, The Shane in 2000 and Roger in 1999. The inevitable bear market after the boom years?

7. On Tuesday at Acentos, I discovered a certain someone – a female someone – is a former role-player. She outed herself in a poem. Not a D&D player (White Wolf & Marvel Superheroes), but the foundation is there. If I can woo her to play, one of the guys in the group may have to get voted off the island. Can you hear the alliances forming?

8. Obligatory Eric Guerrieri Reference. Seriously, though, I think he needs to start an online journal. Send him an email and encourage this idea.

9. This picture was in the Daily News yesterday of A-Rod receiving instruction from Graig Nettles on playing third base. Brought a tear to my eye remembering the good old days. Graig Nettles remains my all-time favorite Yankee. They should retire his number 9 at the next Old Timer’s Day. I’ll be in the stands if and when they do.

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Guy LeCharles Gonzalez

Sometimes loud, formerly poet, always opinionated. As in guillotine... Guy LeCharles Gonzalez is currently the Chief Content Officer for LibraryPass. He's also previously been publisher & marketing director for Writer’s Digest; project lead for the Panorama Project; director, content strategy & audience development for Library Journal & School Library Journal; and founding director of programming & business development for the original Digital Book World.

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