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Motto for the year, courtesy of my favorite poyer Nina:

I’ve decided that since people hear what they want, I am going to say whatever I want without censorship… If I offend you, I am not sorry.

PS: Screw the e-silence, I just need to manage my time better!

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Guy LeCharles Gonzalez

Sometimes loud, formerly poet, always opinionated. As in guillotine... Guy LeCharles Gonzalez is currently the Chief Content Officer for LibraryPass. He's also previously been publisher & marketing director for Writer’s Digest; project lead for the Panorama Project; director, content strategy & audience development for Library Journal & School Library Journal; and founding director of programming & business development for the original Digital Book World.

This Post Has 13 Comments

  1. Rich

    E-silence, my ass.


  2. Dyanna

    Can I get an Amen?!

  3. Diane

    I second that.

  4. nina

    of all the things i have ever been called
    a POYER is by far the worse
    how could you guy?

  5. Eliel Lucero

    What’s a POYER?
    Oh well I guess I’ll look it up.

  6. Omar

    Managing your time better? You mean like making time for DnD? Ohhhh! Ohhhh! I *KNOW* I didn’t just go there! OH YES I DID!

  7. Diane

    poyer is NOT a word!

  8. nina

    Oscar can apparently translate Guy and says that poyer means poet-lawyer. I adore you Guy but I think poyer is a really stupid word and I fear the day somebody actually intros me using it.

  9. Pixie Rose

    I like the word “Poyer” and I love the quote. What’s up with this e-silence? I couldn’t get on Blogger because of a lack of time. Just make time during the work day. It’s working for me just fine now!

  10. Dyanna

    See, I just thought it was a REALLY bad typo. Alls I’m saying is if you’re going to make up a word, at least throw the hyphen in there for good measure. po-yer. Actually…that doesnt really work either. law-et? Hmm… nooo… how about po-law? No, that makes her sound like its a 1-800 number for poor people who need lawyers…

    Actually, how many OTHER poet-lawyers do you know for her to be your ‘favorite’?

    Nina, dont take that from him! 😉

  11. nina

    i am a 1-800 number for poor people who need a lawyer…or will be…i hope…kinda still pissed that 1-800-margarita has been taken though

  12. Guy LeCharles Gonzalez

    Possibly the shortest entry I’ve ever written, quoting someone else at that, and it’s gotten more responses than anything else?!?! See, Nina, you SHOULD turn on your comments feature!

  13. oscar

    nina says- “I fear the day somebody actually intros me using it”

    o.b.says- now worries, homie. i wont use ti for ya… but ima have to figure out sumthin real GOOD for guy when i intro him next…

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