Free Comic Book Day 2005 will be celebrated around the world on May 7, 2005, a date voted on by comic book retailers. As in years past, on Free Comic Book Day anyone can walk into a participating comic book specialty store and receive a free comic book, with no purchase required (while supplies last).
“This year marks the fourth annual Free Comic Book Day,” said Free Comic Book Day Committee spokesperson Barry Lyga. “Its success has been proven beyond a doubt, as stores enjoy record crowds, fans get a holiday all their own, and new readers discover the wonders of the local comic book shop.”
The available comics will vary by store, but all are special editions published specifically for the event. They range from all-ages-friendly titles to fare intended for sophisticated readers. “The selection of titles is a testament to the diversity in the industry,” said Lyga. “More than anything else, Free Comic Book Day exists to show that there is a comic book for every age, reading level, and taste. This year’s variety of available free titles once again makes that point.”
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