There’s something ironic about playing on a softball field sponsored by Con Edison that doesn’t have any lights! Or maybe that’s not irony, just stupidity?
The late game always sucks because somewhere around the 6th inning it starts to get dark and the ball is difficult to see in the field. Sucks more when the game before you is tied up and they go past your 7:15pm start time, meaning the darkness hits around the 4th inning. As a result, we lost in the bottom half of the fifth inning, 3-2, when the game was called on account of darkness. A lame way to go out, but we did have the proverbial fun. Started the game as DH before taking over right-center in the 3rd inning (despite my balky shoulder), and went 1-for-2, thrown out trying to stretch a long single into a double, getting an underwear-full of dirt in the process! My other at bat was a fly ball out with the bases loaded to end the 4th inning. 🙁
The team that beat us, Those Guys, were undefeated coming in and had the strongest infield of any team we’d played, so losing 3-2 was one of those moral victories that you console yourself with over some cold beers and a half-decent jukebox. At least, that’s what we did.
There’s always next season!
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