My “inbox”:
The stack on the top left is everything I’ve read recently but not reviewed, either for Buzzscope of CBC Quickees. Approx. 15 comics deep is where intended reviews go to die. 🙁
The stack on the top right, underneath the New York Times‘ Infinite Crisis article, is mostly completed mini-series and story arcs that I’ve not yet filed away. There’s also some random issues of Moon Knight and Marc Spector: Moon Knight I pulled a while back in anticipation of my interview with Charlie Huston, and a complete run of The Saga of Crystar the Crystal Warrior, one of three I picked up off eBay a few months back when I got the wild idea that I wanted to track down the rights and publish my own revival of it! Um, yeah, moving on…
The stack on the bottom left are “not current” comics I haven’t read yet. Mostly digests and odd-sized TPBs – including Scott Pilgrim #1-2 and You Ain’t No Dancer – the first two issues of El Muerto landed on top of that pile because I didn’t want them to get buried underneath–
the stack on the bottom right, “current” comics that I haven’t read yet. There’s a few TPBs on the bottom, including Flight Vol. 2, but it’s mostly floppies, and the pile has steadily gotten bigger ever since I took on the editorial position over at Buzzscope. Rocketo #1, XIII #1, Winter Men #1-2 are all in there somewhere.
Underneath them are 2 long boxes and 3 short boxes, holding, respectively, current arcs and mini-series, my incomplete collection of the original EPIC line of comics, my 2/3rds-complete collection of Moon Knight (including significant appearances), completed indie mini-series’, and random first issues of series’ I’m not collecting.
The “Batcave”:
The books I keep closest to me are, from left to right: Understanding Comics, Scott McCloud; Runners: Bad Goods TPB; (Gotham Central: Half a Life TPB, Greg Rucka & Michael Lark, is currently next door at Dan’s place); the Dictionary; Blankets, Craig Thompson; Writing New York: A Literary Anthology; Project: Superior, AdHouse Books; 100 Girls: The First Girl, Adam Gallardo & Todd Demong; What a Long, Strange Strip It’s Been, Keith Knight; No Plot? No Problem!, Chris Baty; The Batman Handbook, Scott Beatty; True Facts, Larry Young; The Writer’s Book of Wisdom: 100 Rules; Black Images in the Comics, Fredrik Stromberg.
That’s a signed/numbered photo of the Oct. 9, 1977 fight between Graig Nettles and George Brett up on the wall, and a Nettles autographed baseball in the box on the lower shelf. The boxing glove is the runner-up trophy I got from the 1999 National Poetry Slam, which I hold in slightly higher esteem than the 1998 Championship trophy because 1999 was my team, from my venue. The Moon Knight figurines are what pass for totems, and the water plant was a gift from my mother-in-law.
The “Batcomputer”:
Those are Bumperboy magnets at the top of the monitor, and that’s my latest Establishing Shots column in the tab graphic onscreen. You’ve been following along, right?
And now…it’s football and beer time.
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