LINK: Free Robot Porn!
[NOTE: Sicko Googlers, move on. It’s not what you think!]
No, not the political prisoner du jour, but genuine robot porn! FREE!
Actually, there’s a lot more human-on-human violence and explosions of all kinds than there is robot porn, but if that’s your thing, you’ll probably enjoy Vaistron, too. It’s like everything wrong with America condensed into a heartwarming tale of kidnapping, corruption and headless cult members!
Boussourir and Andrew Dabb are sick, sick men, and Vaistron is one sick book, but oddly enough, it’s appealingly sick. It helps to have a strong lead character like Gabby, the mercenary daughter who, as a child, witnessed the murder of her prostitute mother, after witnessing her giving a client a “Giger Special”, and setting her in a futuristic world where there’s always something more fucked up right around the corner. A perversely entertaining mix of humor, action and outright insanity –- ie: a peace-loving cult whose members cut off their own heads in order to follow their hearts –- Vaistron made me feel dirty while reading it…and made me like every second of it!
Because Dabb likes to spread his perversity far and wide, he wants YOU to have the chance to feel dirty (and like it), too, so he’s giving away three sets of the complete mini-series over on his Web site:
I currently have a set (signed or unsigned) of the entire five issue mini-series to give to the 3 people who write the best ransom letter (a botched kidnapping is central to Vaistron’s plot, thus the symmetry), and post it to the comments section of this entry. What you stole, who you stole it from, and what you want for it, are all up to you. Points will be given for creativity, originality, and references to sixteenth century German philosophers.
For those of you who were too embarassed to pick it up at your local family friendly retailer, go ahead and get some FREE Vaistron. You know you want it…
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Written by Guy LeCharles Gonzalez
Guy LeCharles Gonzalez is the Chief Content Officer for LibraryPass, and former publisher & marketing director for Writer’s Digest. Previously, he was also project lead for the Panorama Project; director, content strategy & audience development for Library Journal & School Library Journal; and founding director of programming & business development for the original Digital Book World.
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