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INFO: Categories are!

Phase One of our total revamp of the site is more than halfway through as I’ve spent most of this weekend tagging every single post from November 2004 through December 2005, enabling everyone (myself included) to easily sort through and access our content, regardless of how old it is. I played around with Technorati tags on Friday, but wanted something more self-contained and, which has been on my radar for a while now, turned out to be the solution I needed.

Our main categories are listed/linked over in the left column now, but if you click over to the full list (aka “All Categories” on the left), you’ll see that I’ve come up with 61 different tags so far, and grouped many of them into six different bundles.

I also updated a bunch of posts to redirect internal links from and/or to clean up incorrectly translated characters like my é, ñ, and ménage à trois, the latter which changed the URLs for all of those entries. (For those of you on the feed, that’s why you’ve seen a flurry of old “updates” popping up.)

Up next — after I finish tagging all of 2006’s posts! — are the Publisher Profiles, Creators Directory and Comics Links sections which, when completed, will hopefully represent an invaluable resource for fans, aspiring creators/publishers, and journalists. I’ve got big plans for that first section in particular, one of those “Why hasn’t anyone else done this?” ideas that hit me the other day.

Thanks to everyone who has updated their links to the new URL — — and/or specifically promoted our redesign/relaunch. Keep an eye out on the Comics Links section for an old school Yahoo!-style directory.

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Guy LeCharles Gonzalez

Sometimes loud, formerly poet, always opinionated. As in guillotine... Guy LeCharles Gonzalez is currently the Chief Content Officer for LibraryPass. He's also previously been publisher & marketing director for Writer’s Digest; project lead for the Panorama Project; director, content strategy & audience development for Library Journal & School Library Journal; and founding director of programming & business development for the original Digital Book World.

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