CBC’s Massive Archaia, Viper & Spider-Man Giveaway
…and the return of the Blogaround Challenge!
Back in September 2005, Laura “Tegan” Gjovaag of Bloggity-Blog-Blog-Blog issued the Blogaround Challenge, asking comics bloggers to poke around the blogiverse and write a short bit about the blogs they came across, the goal being “to meet new bloggers and see new stuff.” (My entry is here.) Since then, a ton of new bloggers have popped up (and, sadly, several of my favorites have faded into history) so I thought it would be a good time to re-issue the challenge as a tie-in to our long-delayed Massive Archaia, Viper & Spider-Man Giveaway.
3 Prize Packs, 33 comic books…FREE SHIPPING!!!
What exactly do you have to do to win one of these great prize packs? Well, I’m not as crazy as Greg Burgas, so I’m not going to put together one of the most insane comics trivia contests imaginable. (HINT: #12 is from one of the comics I’m giving away here!) No, I wanted to keep it simple, while making it something that mirrored my intent behind giving away these comics in the first place, sharing the love, and so, the Challenge is issued again!
Blogaround Challenge 2007
On your own blog, in a post titled “Blogaround Challenge 2007”, write a brief review of three blogs that are not currently on your personal blogroll. Mine the blogrolls of your favorite blogs, Google’s Blog Search, or the Watchtower; discover (or re-discover) three blogs that have piqued your interest, and briefly review them. In that post, also link back to this one, and then leave me a comment with the link back to your post so I can compile them all in a future post that will announce the three “winners” of the Massive Giveaway:
Prize Pack #1 Archaia Studios Press
Artesia: First Book of Dooms TPB
Artesia Beseiged #1-2
The Killer #1-2
Mouse Guard #1-5
—>NOTE: #1 is the 3rd printing. Speculators go away!
Okko: Cycle of Water, Book One
Robotika #1-4Prize Pack #2: Viper Comics
A Dummy’s Guide to Danger #1-4
Dead@17 #1-2
Dead@17: Revolution #1-4
Emily Edison TPB (Digest)
Lost Books of Eve #1
The Middle Man: Vol. 2 #1-4
Mosh Girls + Monsters: Vol 2Prize Pack #3: Spider-Man
The Amazing Spider-Man: Kraven’s Last Hunt TPB
—>NOTE: This is a first printing, but it’s a reading copy. Speculators go away!
Don’t do it for the prizes, though; do it for the love, because the “winners” will determined at random!
Contest ends next Sunday, January 28th Sunday, February, 4th, and the “winners” will be announced on Thursday, February 1st 8th. The blogs you discover, though, will last forever. Hopefully…
[NOTE: The Massive Giveaway is only open to U.S. residents, because postage is expensive, especially for the first two Prize Packs. Foreign bloggers will be considered eligible if they’re willing to pay postage via PayPal.]
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Written by Guy LeCharles Gonzalez
Guy LeCharles Gonzalez is the Chief Content Officer for LibraryPass, and former publisher & marketing director for Writer’s Digest. Previously, he was also project lead for the Panorama Project; director, content strategy & audience development for Library Journal & School Library Journal; and founding director of programming & business development for the original Digital Book World.
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Hey, Guy — Plok here, from A Trout In The Milk.
Here’s the link:
My computer’s freaking out right now, so I can’t comment further…in fact I’m unsure this will work properly at all, but here goes…
Try that again, split up:
Well, here’s my entry. It was hard to limit my review to the blog itself, and not get into discussing the blogger. But I enjoyed the challenge of articulating why these blogs are worthwhile…
Kleefeld on Comics Blogaround Challenge 2007
Maybe this would be a good time to say that I live in Canada and don’t do PayPal…however I’d gladly mail you some IRCs, or whatever.
Whoops! Sean, I think I just handed you the prize!
Thanks for playing along! Winners announced here.