Yesterday, at approx. 6:15pm, I handed over a cashier’s check and was handed back a receipt acknowledging our final debt — a CitiFinancial loan we took out two years ago to consolidate debt when we were ready to buy a house — was paid in full.
The car’s paid for; our credit cards have zero balances; we’re even paid up on car insurance through August. My credit score has jumped 50 points over the past six months, to the point where a bank probably won’t laugh at us when we inevitably have to get a new car in the next year or two.
Not counting student loans, we are now completely debt-free for the first time since…well, ever! We’ve also got a couple months worth of expenses in the savings account, and both of our careers are finally heading in positive directions.
It’s a nice feeling.
Much to Salomé’s delight, I think we can seriously consider buying a house now that location is the primary sticking point.
That’s a scary feeling, but one I’m feeling more and more comfortable with nowadays.
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