About 10 years ago a relatively unknown actor, by the name of Vin Diesel, starred in a scifi/horror movie about a group of stranded travelers on a planet where hungry giant bat like creatures come out to feed in the middle of the night. Four years later that same character comes back to fight a race of conquerors who have a unhealthy obsession with death. And so… The Chronicles Of Riddick began. But, it seems to have stopped there. Well kids talk has been resurfacing again at the return of Richard B Riddick and all of his night vision ‘badassery’.A few years back rumors circled the internet about Riddick coming back for 2 more movies making the Necromonger saga a trilogy. Vin Diesel states on his Facebook page today that 2 possible names have been tossed out by movie execs for the next chapters in The Chronicles. The names thrown out there are The Underverse and The Furyan… not terribly creative titles but at least it proves that serious talks are underway to keep this franchise going on the big screen.
I loved Pitch Black and Chronicles of Riddick; so very different from each other, but drawing from the same rich universe that’s so full of potential. Epic potential!
Riddick himself is a great character; part Conan, part Han Solo, all Vin Diesel.
Chronicles was a bust at the box office, but I’m glad to see Diesel is still interested in doing the sequel(s) anyway. As one of the commenters notes at Geek Tyrant, there’s a serious shortage of original properties in Hollywood, and Riddick’s first two efforts are far superior to many of the franchises that got a third chance.
Also, when is someone going to do a Riddick comic book? I’ve been waiting for years!
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