Earlier today I had the pleasure of participating in Day One of the Get Read: Marketing Strategies For Writers (#getread) online conference produced by my friend and colleague Dan Blank, and promised to post the slides and a few notes from my session. I also promised to follow-up on any unanswered questions, so if you were in attendance, feel free to leave your question(s) in the comments and I’ll answer them.
- The reader is at the center of everything, and everyone is a reader.
- Establish a personal learning network, online and off.
- If you haven’t already, read The Cluetrain Manifesto.
- Don’t read Mashable or pundits with agendas.
- Claim your name on every platform you can, even if you never use it.
Social media platforms come and go, but the website(s) you own will still be there when the latest fad fades into the past. Establish a relevant hub and keep it up-to-date, linking all of your online activity back to it. Keep it simple; if you can’t manage it yourself, you’re trying too hard.
From relevant industry conferences and events, to relationships with your local booksellers and librarians, never underestimate the value of the in-person experience. Attend readings, browse bookshelves, seek out fellow writers, publishing professionals, and communities of interest; maintain a physical connection to the world around you.
Engage on your own terms; don’t try to be someone else or follow somebody’s marketing template. Know your strengths and leverage them; know your weaknesses and minimize them; find opportunities to challenge yourself and broaden your horizons.
NOTE: I believe registration for the conference is still open, and it includes access to the archives of all of the sessions, so you can still take advantage of a great program and lineup of speakers. Use “guy” when signing up to save $20.
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