Last week we went to check out an apartment in a friend’s building but there were only studios available, or at least so they said. Disappointed, we headed over to pick up the kids and on the way, saw a for rent sign in the window of a building on the Grand Councourse, half a block from the train station. Barely in the mood, we called for the hell of it and somebody answered. Five minutes later, we were on the fourth floor, checking out a corner 2BR with lots of closets, hardwood floors and a kitchen straight out of the ’50s. The entrance was via a long hallway with two big closets. The living room/dining room was a nice open space with the small 2nd BR right off of it. The kitchen was next to it, suggesting it was originally a small dining rooom or maid’s quarters, and the main bedroom at the other end was a nice size. The bathroom was unremarkable but for the fact that two people could stand in it at once. All in all, a really nice place. Surprisingly, the rent was right in our range and there was even a parking spot available. Too good to be true? We’ll see. Salomé is dropping off the paperwork tonight and hopefully we’ll get an answer within a couple of days. We had to stop ourselves from mentally decorating the place several times over the weekend! Please let it be this easy this time! Please!
Speaking of redecorating, I love those TLC shows, Trading Spaces and While You Were Out. I’ve gotten so many cool ideas since Salomé got me hooked on them. I actually watch them without her sometimes!
And speaking of reality shows, last night’s Survivor finalé was a lot of fun and reignited my interest in it. I’ve downloaded the application for the next one and am seriously considering sending in a tape. Salomé (along with many others, I’d suspect) thinks I’m too bossy (I’m not, I just have better ideas!) and would get voted off right away. That’s not my MO, though. I get bossy AFTER I’ve taken the lay of the land. Figure out who I can trust, who I can use, who’s trying to use me. It’s like the poetry scene! I think I’d be great on Survivor. Biggest thing would be getting in shape again, which I need to do regardless. I look like the one that had two kids in three years! Why is it so easy to pick up the bad things after a while away from it (like smoking!) but the good stuff takes a dramatic effort to get back on track? Part of the problem is there’s just not enough time in the week to do all the things I want to do and exercise is the easiest thing to skip. Maybe time to reassess and cut some things loose?
Today’s web site: Told you I was being watched! 😉
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