COMMENT: Late-night Speakeasy Musings
I haven’t had the time to really follow up on the whole Speakeasy situation myself, but I have been tracking the comics blogosphere which refuses to let the story die, including this rather humorous addition: Speakeasy Comics Archives, wherein a Jonathan Martin is attempting to pull together everything relating to the company’s current woes. (CBR
COMMENT: Speculation – Evolve or Die?
Paul O’Brien’s monthly analysis of Marvel’s sales for November 2005 has several interesting tidbits sprinkled througout that suggest speculation isn’t dead. “…NEW AVENGERS, still Marvel’s top selling ongoing title. It’s actually now below the normal sales level of ASTONISHING X-MEN, mind you, so things might be different when that book resumes publishing. With the lengthy
Good Vibrations, Part II
That went well. Now it’s cross your fingers time. Probably be two weeks before I know anything. 🙂
Good Vibrations
If you catch this in time, at 10am EST, send some good vibes in my direction. Got a meeting that could result in a big personal change. 🙂
On the Shelves: 1/5/06
Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month! Happy new year! My weekly look at select comic books being released THURSDAY, 1/5/06. The full shipping is list available at ComicList. [NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of
COMMENT: Comics & "the Mainstream"
The Comics Reporter’s Tom Spurgeon, in his first CR Sunday Magazine of the new year, said: “Screw being mainstream anyway. Comics has a lot of its cultural power not just as a secondary art form, but as a semi-disgraced secondary art form. I think because of their personal neuroses, which in many cases expresses itself
Buzzscope Comics: Best of 2005
What’s good? What’s worth the money? What will leave you satisfied when it’s done, and not wishing you’d bought a copy of Entertainment Weekly, or rented Batman Begins instead? Fear not, loyal reader, because we here at Buzzscope have read way more comic books this year than, say, Andrew Arnold – plus, we don’t self-consciously spell comics with an annoyingly pretentious “x” – slogging through some of the worst comics to hit the shelves, in order to bring you the Best Comics of 2005.
COMMENT: Newsarama Interview with JQ, Part II
Last week I posted the following portion of an interview Newsarama did with Joe Quesada. “NRAMA: “When do the events in Spider-Man: The Other, Secret War, and House of M happen in relation to one another?” JQ: Actually, we have this listed somewhere but it’s now 3:45AM and I can’t think straight. Not copping out
Buzzscope No Mo–?
The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry… but Batman always has a back-up plan! My latest Establishing Shots is up, wherein I pull a Quesada, explaining what happened to the big January 2, 2006 surprise. I also announce three of our newest columnists, one of whom hasn’t been announced anywhere else
Farewell 2005
Don’t let the door hit you… No, not really! It’s been a year of extreme ups and downs (and the downs were particularly rough), but the end result has been relatively positive. For the most part. I’m too lazy to shoot from the hip like SalomĂ© did, and I already covered the comics side of