On The Shelves: 11/16/05
Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month! My weekly look at select comic books being released tomorrow, 11/16/05. The full shipping is list available at ComicList. [NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not,
“Depression” is a strong word that I’ve always been loathe to use in reference to myself, but there’s times when I can’t really think of anything more appropriate. I occasionally hit these deep, extended lulls where I feel unusually anti-social and totally overwhelmed by life. The overwhelming side of things is often self-inflicted as “keeping
COMMENT: On Snobs and Good Comics Shops
I hate snobs. Of any stripe, really; literature, movies, music, TV… I hated them in the poetry scene, where snobbery usually takes the form of condencension towards anyone who was popular and/or topical, without necessarily being the finest craftspeople. I hate them equally in the comics scene, where superhero fans are looked down upon like
Buzzscope Reviews: 11/9/05
Decimation: House of M – The Day AfterUnlike Countdown, however, which plot-hammered the DC Universe into submission and sacrificed Blue Beetle on the altar of the Big Event, Claremont’s The Day After does a more effective job of making its many featured characters interesting and appealing, while introducing a legitimate threat that doesn’t leave the
LINK: Superman Returns
Alright folks, the official web site for Superman Returns has opened up. I just took a quick tour and I really like it. It’s very clean, nothing fancy. In fact, it’s the polar opposite of the Fantastic Four web site. The site has 11 wallpapers ready for downloading, and 8 production stills on display. For
On The Shelves: 11/9/05
Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month! My weekly look at select comic books being released tomorrow, 11/9/05. The full shipping is list available at ComicList. [NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not,
Buzzscope Reviews: 11/2/05
Jonah Hex #1As a casual fan of Westerns who was looking forward to both this comic book and last week’s Loveless, I can’t help but compare the two and give the nod to Jonah Hex. Because Loveless is without question the more ambitious of the two, its flaws stand out even more than the minor
Buzzscope/CBC Editorial Office
My “inbox”: The stack on the top left is everything I’ve read recently but not reviewed, either for Buzzscope of CBC Quickees. Approx. 15 comics deep is where intended reviews go to die. 🙁 The stack on the top right, underneath the New York Times‘ Infinite Crisis article, is mostly completed mini-series and story arcs
Seeing the Good in the Bad…
A day that includes having pee all over your t-shirt and leaving a movie early to run out and buy a change of clothes for one of your kids – India, not Isaac; don’t want to give him a bad rap! – usually doesn’t get filed in the good memories section of your brain. But
Buzzscope: Down With the King?
My latest Establishing Shots column is up, a look at what Stephen King’s DARK TOWER project with Marvel means for indie creators. This isn’t Joss Whedon taking on the X-Men or promoting his movie; and it’s not Brad Meltzer taking on some of the most recognizable icons in American pop culture. This is Stephen King