Marvel: Leaving Money on the Table

Comic Book Resources' review of 2006 has been made fun of by several bloggers for its participants lauding of Civil War as "the one project that had the biggest impact on the comics industry" -- which is arguably true, if for all the wrong reasons -- but I found this particular exchange much more interesting: If we're all agreed that sales are up and things look bright for the industry, how can we ride this success? The last time business was this good was the 1990s and we all know what happened there. What's the key to keeping things going…

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What if Civil War #6 was good?

Tetsubo Productions is at it again with a hilarious remix of Civil War #6 that is a much more entertaining read than the real thing could possibly be.Go, read, laugh your ass off and, hopefully, be glad you didn't spend any money on the real thing. (And if you missed it last time, check out the remix of Civil War #5.)

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On the Web: Zombies on a Plane

I'm going to be very disappointed if someone, at some point in this story, doesn't say, "I am sick and tired of these muthaf**kin' zombies on this muthaf**kin' plane!"(Flight of the Living Dead, via've only recently started to dabble in webcomics and Flight of the Living Dead looks like the first one that will keep me coming back on a regular basis. (If it had an RSS feed, I'd track it in the Watchtower. Hint...) Scott Ewen's taken a can't-miss premise and, on a weekly schedule, is planning to roll out what looks like it will be an entertaining…

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Much Ado About Cowboys & Aliens

I knew a lot of people in the comics industry didn't like Platinum Comics' Scott Rosenberg, but holy cow!Comics writer A. David Lewis (the excellent The Lone and Level Sands) absolutely flipped his lid last Friday upon seeing Entertainment Weekly's sporadic comics sales chart showing Cowboys & Aliens in the top spot, according to Midtown Comics:"What smarts most is that C&A is listed as the top-selling graphic novel. Yes, Entertainment Weekly crowns it as #1.First, that's crap. I think we all know that's crap. And, by 'we,' I mean people who actually go to comic book shops on an almost…

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On The Shelves: 1/11/07

Reading is fundamental. Don't waste your time reading bad comics out of habit! My weekly look at select comic books being released Thursday, 1/11/07. The full shipping list, as always, is available at ComicList. [NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try or] PICK OF THE WEEK Are We Feeling Safer Yet? A (Th) Ink AnthologyAFTER HOURS 7 Days To Fame Complete Set, $11.99 I reviewed this last year for PopCultureShock: "There are…

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Review: Ed’s Terrestrials

Ed's TerrestrialsBy Scott Christian Sava and Diego Jourdan (Blue Dream Studios, 2006; $19.99)There's few things in comics that I love more than a good, all-ages graphic novel, both for my own personal enjoyment and to be able to share it with my 6-year old son. In the past, I've praised the likes of A Bit Haywire, Amelia Rules!, Bumperboy, and Superhero -- all excellent reads for kids ages 6-60+ -- and Scott Christian Sava's delightful Ed's Terrestrials joins that list.Fans of such entertaining Nickelodeon fare as Fairly Oddparents and Jimmy Neutron will love Sava's slightly younger-skewing tale of aliens on…

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