SNL Skewers Mel Gibson
Priceless!(NOTE: I still plan to see the movie, though.)
Priceless!(NOTE: I still plan to see the movie, though.)
A Bit Haywireby Scott Zirkel & Courtney Huddleston (Viper Comics, 2006; $11.95)I'm a big fan of good all-ages entertainment, and whenever something really good pops up on the comics scene, I'm especially psyched because it means I have something new I can comfortably share with my 6-year old son who's becoming an avid reader. Amelia Rules, Bumperboy and Superhero are three examples we've both enjoyed together and A Bit Haywire is the latest addition to the list and a stealth candidate for my Best of 2006 list.Owen Bryce is a seemingly normal 10-year old boy who, while running away from…
It's like "MySpace for comics", which is a rather scary thought when you think about it...Warren Ellis promoted it via Bad Signal about a half hour ago and quite possibly crashed the site, so it may take a few minutes to get in. I got in right before the rush: In a nice bit of marketing savvy, they've updated their "no_connection.php" page to include the Project Wonderful banner ad so their advertisers still get promotion while the site is inaccessible.UPDATE: The site seems to be back online now.
Newsarama's interview with newuniversal artist Salvador Larroca suggests it might be yet another high-profile series Marvel is unable to ship on time:NRAMA: Could you tell us what was your first impression when you read newuniversal script?SLR: I loved it. It was water clear that Warren Ellis would write a solid script, but I really got impressed with the visual strength of his writing: I could really see the movie inside the story and drawing it was not only easy but a real pleasure. After more than 14 years in the comic industry, the script got me so impressed that I…
Reading is fundamental. Don't waste your time reading bad comics out of habit! My weekly, semi-informed look at select comic books being released Wednesday, 12/6/06 follows. The full shipping is list available at ComicList. [NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try or] PICK OF THE WEEK Robotika (HC)ARCANA STUDIO Ezra Evoked Emotions #2 (Of 3), $3.95 I missed the first issue of this new mini and didn't see it on the shelves…
I'm pretty sure I've seen some advertising somewhere for Wowio recently, but had no idea what it was until I saw it mentioned in this Newsarama article about Devil's Due publisher Josh Blaylock's latest project, Pullbox Online:NRAMA: What effect do you think this will have, a) on your print titles, and b) on your properties overall? Could you see a revival of, say, your superhero line?JB: I think this is great for print titles and the sale of trade paperbacks. Think of the most common scenario for hundreds of independent series out there that fail. As a customer, you see…
Publisher's Weekly has installed HP Indigo presses at several of its fulfillment centers to expand its print-on-demand capability. The new presses, already in place at several locations, can print up to several hundred copies of a single title up to several hundred copies [sic], said Vyomesh Joshi, executive v-p with HP, who added the presses also print in color. Greg Greeley, v-p of books at Amazon, said the collaboration with HP "will enable us to significantly increase the number of available titles our publishers can purchase while offering publishers the highest quality of printing options."Amazon's description of its POD…