Creator Directory is Up

Instead of writing any reviews today, I decided to finally get one of the "resource" aspects of the site up and running, focusing on the Creator Directory, which is now available.It's a somewhat selective list, a mix of well-known and upcoming creators whose work I've enjoyed in the past and who have a legitimate web presence (where the hell is Frank Miller's web site?). One of the more frustrating things, both as a fan and journalist, is trying to track down solid information on certain creators, or information on their non-Big Two projects, so hopefully the directory will become a…

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Fantasticar Revealed

Via USA Today:Translating the flying car from the page to the big screen was no small effort, says Tim Flattery, conceptual artist for the Fantastic Four sequel, which hits screens June 15. He showed several designs to director Tim Story, including one based loosely on the Batmobile, which he designed for 1995's Batman Forever.But Story rejected the designs as "too aggressive," Flattery says. "He wanted something that looked less like a predator and more friendly. That's always been the Fantastic Four theme."That family-friendly tenor helped the original movie rake in $155 million domestically and $330 million worldwide.I've yet to see…

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My New Reality

It's been 2.5 months now since I made the transition from marketing to sales, and so far, despite the exponentially increased workload and almost total lack of free time, I'm still pleased with the decision.It was admittedly a bit nerve-wracking to leave behind 13+ years of experience on one side of the fence to effectively go put my money where my mouth was, but having my first signed contract for 2007 roll off the fax yesterday -- a $329k schedule for Cover 2 in all of our print products -- eased that tension a bit. :-)This afternoon, my ad director…

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Help Wanted: Comics Promoters?

Comics Should Be Good offered an essay yesterday by the extremely likeable comics creator Jimmie Robinson that, in his own typically rambling style, makes a good point but lays the "blame" at the wrong doorstop:If you're reading this, that alone makes you exceptional, makes you care about the medium of comics. You might even visit your comic store each week to see what's new on the rack. You perhaps display a few trade paperback collections on your shelf at home. But let's not split hairs here, while I applaud your efforts there's no denying the fact; you are not helping…

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The CBC Library is Open

The latest update to Comic Book Commentary is now available: the CBC Library, your new one-stop-shop for all of your comic book-related purchases.The Library features an eclectic mix of books, DVDs and games I recommend, as well as select Amazon Listmania lists, in a wide range of categories: Batman, Fables, Artesia, Essential Reading, More Essential Reading, Essential Marvel, Absolute DC, Fantagraphics, No Spandex, Greg Rucka, Charlie Huston, Los. Bros. Hernandez, Pulp Superheroes, Superhero Cartoons and Cult/Noir Movies.I'll have more set up over the next couple of weeks, but between what's there now and the fully functional search feature, you…

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On The Shelves: 11/29/06

Reading is fundamental. Don't waste your time reading bad comics out of habit! My weekly, semi-informed look at select comic books being released Wednesday, 11/29/06 follows. The full shipping is list available at ComicList. [NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try or] PICK OF THE WEEK Dark Horse Book Of Monsters HC ARCANA STUDIOOutlaw Scorn 3030 AD #1 (Of 6), $3.95 It's been a while since I've picked up something from Arcana,…

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