Happy 2nd Anniversary

Once again I missed the blog's anniversary this year, though this time it's more a result of the long hiatus we've been on since the summer. Still caught the right month, though, so it's all good.Two years of blogging about comics have seen some serious ups and downs here at CBC -- in output, traffic and personal gratification -- but while organizing my collection last night (now up to seven longboxes and three short boxes), I realized a few things:1) Comics are great reading and come in a variety of genres and styles;2) There are way too many covers that…

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AdWatch: Platinum Studios’ "Babes"

"You may not be able to get into her pants...but you can have her in yours.Platinum Studios Mobile"It's in Flash format, so I can't figure out how to save it and display it here, but I came across it on the main page over at The Pulse (of all places) and you can view it here: mobile_120x600_babes.swfI'm guessing this predates Jim MacLauchlin's joining Platinum as EiC, but considering the fit he threw behind the scenes over being a suspect in last year's Mid-Ohio-Gate, you'd think he'd want to be a bit more careful about being associated with such blatantly sexist…

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CBC Quickees: Big Two Roundup

I'm so far behind on reviews these days that in order to jumpstart my critical faculties, I've grabbed a stack of comics from my most-recently read pile and, focusing on some of the floppies I'm still reading from the Big Two, am giving random ones the super-quickee treatment.Criminal #1-2 (Icon/Marvel, $2.99), Captain America #3 (Marvel, $2.99), Daredevil #91 (Marvel, $2.99)Ed Brubaker has officially become one of my favorite comics writers, whether it's working within his own gritty world in Criminal, or making two of Marvel's best-known but least interesting characters immensely readable. The first two issues of Criminal feel like…

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What if Civil War #5 was good?

It might read a little something like this:Check out Tetsubo Productions - Wherein I Show Why I Shouldn't Be Allowed To Use Photoshop for the hilarious remix of the entire issue.I dropped Civil War after the incredibly lame fourth issue, unable to stomach any more of Mark Millar's weak attempts at plotting and dialogue, and after reading several reviews like this one I'm glad I did.Can someone please explain to me why this juvenile hack is one of the top writers in the industry? I mean, I'm no Grant Morrison fan, but at least I can acknowledge and respect his…

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