Crystal Ball: September 2006 Solicitations, Part I

Support GOOD Comics! Pre-order something new EVERY month. My monthly look at select comic books being solicited for release in September 2006. The full solicitations for DC, Marvel and Image are available at Comic Book Resources. Dark Horse's solicitations are available at Comics Continuum. Independent publishers will follow in a separate post. [NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your local comic book shop (LCBS) offers a pre-ordering service, download a convenient order form from Diamond and be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try or]…

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On the Shelves: 6/21/06

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month. My weekly look at select comic books being released Wednesday, 6/21/06. The full shipping is list available at ComicList. [NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try or] PICK OF THE WEEK Fallen Angel #6APE ENTERTAINMENT Black Coat Call To Arms #3 (Of 4), $2.99 So much better than a black-and-white period piece with a throwback storytelling sensibility has any right to be, I can't…

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Say What?: 6/19/06

"Spider-Man is an unusual franchise; just when you think it's run out of sharks to jump, Marvel unveil a new aquarium."--Paul O'Brien, Article 10, 19 June 2006"For that matter, should Peter Parker wear any kind of a costume now? Once the world knows your true identity, what's the point of wearing a mask?"--Jake on "Spidey's Revealing Outfit""Superheroes should not lie to their nearest and dearest about the most important thing in their lives. That's pathological. ...not to mention a bad example for a hero who values truth to set."--Johanna Draper Carlson on "Why Secret Identities Are Stupid""The reason that Nostalgia…

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INFO: Categories are!

Phase One of our total revamp of the site is more than halfway through as I've spent most of this weekend tagging every single post from November 2004 through December 2005, enabling everyone (myself included) to easily sort through and access our content, regardless of how old it is. I played around with Technorati tags on Friday, but wanted something more self-contained and, which has been on my radar for a while now, turned out to be the solution I needed.Our main categories are listed/linked over in the left column now, but if you click over to the full…

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CONTEST: BOOM! Sampler Giveaway Extended

Due to light response so far -- and our continued absence from the Comic Weblog Linkatron 5000 since the move from -- I'm extending our BOOM! Sampler Giveaway another full week to June 23, 2006. Details at the original post, where all entries should be submitted.Many thanks to those who've promoted the contest so far, especially to those who did so purely out of spreading the love of free comics."What's that, Guy? Did you say 'FREE COMICS'!?!""Why yes, that's exactly what I said. FREE. COMICS."WTF, people? Get on the stick.Jeremiah Harm #1-3Hero Squared #1Cthulhu Tales #1What Were They Thinking?!…

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MARKETING: Superman Joins MySpace

The Superman Returns marketing onslaught continues... Man Of Steel Seeks Friends AN AMERICAN CULTURAL ICON HAS landed in the leading American social networking site with the posting of a MySpace profile to promote the new "Superman Returns," premiering June 28. By Thursday evening, just five days after the site quietly went live, the profile had attracted 12,719 MySpace "friends," many responding to the site's slogan, "Show us your 'S'," with photos of themselves striking the iconic shirt-ripping pose to reveal the well-known symbol--including at least one fan who had the "S" tattooed directly on his chest. The Web site also…

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LINK: Sent Forth from the Power

It usually takes me a few issues after I drop something from my pull list to lose the phantom limb feeling whenever I'm picking up my weekly stash, but in the case of 52, I miss it about as much as I miss Mo Vaughn playing for the Mets. I am still enjoying Douglas Wolk's weekly dissection of the increasingly convoluted storyline, though, and this week's entry was particularly good, in that same way I enjoy seeing an "0-4; 3 Ks" stat line for Alex Rodriguez.Wolk breaks down Grant Morrison's Great Ten, exposing the lazy research that apparently went into…

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