On The Shelves: 6/14/06

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month. My weekly look at select comic books being released Wednesday, 6/14/06. The full shipping is list available at ComicList. [NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try Khepri.com or MidtownComics.com] PICK OF THE WEEK G.I. Joe: America's Elite #12AMERICAN MULE ENTERTAINMENT Public Enemy #0, $2.99 Call me cynical, but after the lameness of last year's Mr. T comic book -- mercifully aborted when AP Comics folded --…

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Omar’s Random Thoughts: Wonder Woman & Metamorpho

Goddamn. Someone should write a review about Wonder Woman volume 3 number 1. That was a good read. Inner Fanboy enjoyed it very much.That fanboy zeal, of course, makes me worried that it's totally inaccessible to a new reader. Does Wonder Woman get new readers that don't know a lot about her to begin with?*****Does anyone else think it's funny that so many of us nerds were imprinted with Lynda Carter being the ideal woman? I mean, she was wearing an adult diaper.*****The other day, I was standing around thinking, "Do I know enough about Metamorpho?! Do I?!" I certainly…

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CONTEST: BOOM! Sampler Giveaway

In honor of our new look and impending relaunch (and in a shameless attempt at generating some traffic to bear witness), I'm giving away a sampler of comics from Wizard Magazine's "Best New Publisher," Boom! Studios.Jeremiah Harm #1-3Hero Squared #1Cthulhu Tales #1What Were They Thinking?! Some People Never Learn #1War of the Worlds: Second Wave #1-3How can you win this fine assortment of four-color entertainment? Rather simply, actually: you just have to lower your odds of winning by spreading the news!There's two ways to do this:1) Mention this contest on your own blog, with a direct link back to this…

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INFO: CBC’s New Look

A little late-Spring cleaning here in the CBC offices as I've finally made the long-anticipated move from blogspot.com to hosting the blog on my own site. As you can tell from a quick look around, I've got plans for a bit more than just the blog, some of which will come to fruition sooner than later. For now, go ahead and bookmark http://www.comiccommentary.com, which will bring you straight here to the blog until the rest of the site is up and running.Be sure to update your links and site feed info, too: ATOM: http://feeds.feedburner.com/loudpoet/YVAj RSS: http://feeds.feedburner.com/loudpoet/NhfGPS: Sign up for our…

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HYPE: Artesia

A proper review is forthcoming soon, but I couldn't contain my excitement about my latest, greatest discovery: Mark Smylie's Artesia. It's the perfect combination of compelling lead character, richly detailed setting and absolutely beautiful artwork that marks the best epic fantasy tales.I picked up Artesia: Besieged #1 on a lark last week, having enjoyed several of the other titles Smylie's Archaia Studio Press has recently released -- The Lone and Level Sands, Robotika and Mouse Guard -- and was totally captivated by it. I bought the first TPB, Artesia, last night and devoured it on the train ride home, not…

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LINK: Defending Ronée

My official statement on the whole Ronée + Soma/Brownstein affair went up on PCS earlier this week, and reaction so far has been mostly what I'd hoped: muted and, I daresay, somewhat chastened. Official Statement on "What A Girl Wants" Controversy Based on my own internal investigation of the information Ms. Bourgeois had available before and after her initial column was published, I have concluded that she has only been guilty of being extremely passionate in her coverage of this story. While that passion may have led to her prematurely reporting the allegations, unable as she was to offer any…

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