COMMENT: A Lesson for Comics?

The current issue of Time magazine has an interesting article about the upcoming Nintendo Wii that makes a few good points that I think can also be applied to the comics industry.A Game For All AgesBy LEV GROSSMAN/KYOTOVideo games are an unusual medium in that they carry a heavy stigma among nongamers. Not everybody likes ballet, but most nonballet fans don't accuse ballet of leading to violent crime and mental backwardness. Video games aren't so lucky. There's a sharp divide between gamers and nongamers, and the result is a market that, while large and devoted--last year video-game software and hardware…

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LINK: Hellboy Vs. Gotham Knights?

HELLBOY JOINS UPPER DECK'S "VS" GAMING SYSTEM CARLSBAD, Ca. -- May 10, 2006 -- The comic industry's "Greatest Paranormal Investigator" makes his trading card game debut as Upper Deck Entertainment (UDE) -- in association with Dark Horse Comics -- today announces plans to add Hellboy to UDE's Vs. System superhero portfolio. Based on Mike Mignola's ("Gotham by Gaslight") best-selling comic book mini-series "Hellboy," the set will premiere as the first release of UDE's new Essential Collection, which features highly competitive decks themed around some of today's most notable comic icons. The new Hellboy-themed Essential Collection will be available on store…

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On the Shelves: 5/10/06

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month. My weekly look at select comic books being released Wednesday, 5/10/06. The full shipping is list available at ComicList. [NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try or] PICK OF THE WEEK Deogratias, A Tale of RwandaAMAZE INK (SLAVE LABOR GRAPHICS) Vaistron #5, $2.95 Andrew Dabb's twisted alter ego, Andrew Dabb, wraps up his opus maxiwackymus, and I can't wait to see how it all…

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