Author: Guy LeCharles Gonzalez

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

X2: X-Men United, lots of fun. What you want from a summer blockbuster and, as an old comic book fan, I think they did a nice job with the characters, particularly laying the groundwork for the Phoenix storyline. Identity was creepy fun with a “twist” ending. I love psychological thrillers and it’s got a great

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

I think I have officially crossed the line and become completely jaded about poetry slam. I’ve never been so bored at an event as I was at last night’s Urbana Finals. Not that it was a terrible show, mind you. It just didn’t have the energy of a FINALS! The host, John S. Hall, sucked

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

My goodness, these things are addictive! What movie quote are YOU? brought to you by Quizilla

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

America is stupid. At least the ones that watch American Idol and take the time to vote. I mean, really, what the fuck was THAT last night?!?! Ruben in the bottom two? Trenyce booted while Camouflage Doughboy lives on? That fake jarhead couldn’t even hold his head up while Ruben stood out there waiting for

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Def Poetry is closing

This just in: Def Poetry on Broadway will be closing on Sunday! Not sure how I feel about that to be honest. Not having seen it, I can’t really comment but, based on what I’ve heard from people I respect that HAVE seen it, it’s sort of a double-edged sword. Many poets (good ones, at

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Apparently, I’m a very bad person. Disorder Rating Paranoid: Low Schizoid: Low Schizotypal: Moderate Antisocial: Moderate Borderline: Low Histrionic: Moderate Narcissistic: Very High Avoidant: Low Dependent: Low Obsessive-Compulsive: Moderate — Personality Disorder Test – Take It! — The Dante’s Inferno Test has banished you to the Fifth Level of Hell!Here is how you matched up

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

“To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty, to find the best in others; to leave the world a little better; whether by a healthy child, a garden patch

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Found parking quickly this morning! Yay! Salomé and the kids are back tonight! Yay! Going back to Hartsdale. Boo! Last night’s slam… Need another day to digest it. Maya Azucena: WOW! The slam took a back seat to her performance. Read my new poem (the end result from last week’s free write) at the end

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Looking for parking in the morning so completely sets my day off on the wrong foot! Looking for it in Brooklyn Heights on a Monday morning – where after driving around for 30 minutes, you stick it on a meter and cross your fingers you’ll ONLY get a ticket – sucks like a five hour

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Three posts in ONE day? Bonus round! :: how jedi are you? :: Which John Cusack Are You?

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