Evel Dead

EvelKnievel Damn. I don't typically take much note of dead celebrities but Evel Knievel was a childhood idol of mine ranking up there with Graig Nettles and Batman. Much to my mother's chagrin, I would attempt to duplicate his stunts as a kid, from jumping across my twin beds, to jumping from the dresser to the bed to, once, attempting to jump from my 3rd floor bedroom window to the roof of the garage next door. She caught me before I could pull of that last stunt. I owned the motorcycle in the picture above, and a few other Knievel…

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Buy These Books!

Two very good friends of mine have recently had books published, one non-fiction and one fiction, and I highly recommend that you pick them up.  You can get both of them on Amazon (use the links below) or at most decent bookstores. Words in Your Face: A Guided Tour Through Twenty Years of the New York City Poetry Slamby Cristin O'Keefe Aptowicz I actually appear prominently in Words In Your Face (Chapter 18), at the center of one of the two key controversies that led to the expansion of the poetry slam beyond the confines of the Nuyorican Poets Café,…

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QotD: Today’s Musical Horoscope

What's your musical horoscope?  (Put your player on shuffle and write down the first 10 songs that come up.)  Creative Zen 4GB A Little of Your Time - Maroon 5 No One - Alicia Keys Beautiful - Christina Aguilera This Ain't a Scene, It's An Arms Race - Fall Out Boy Strobelite Honey - Black Sheep Say Goodbye - Dave Matthews Band Over You - Daughtry Crooked Ass N**** - 2Pac The Choice is Yours - Black Sheep Youth of the Nation - P.O.D. Gonna be a rough day, it seems! Read and post comments | Send to a friend

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Shooting War Review

Shooting War Anthony Lappe Shooting War posits a world gone mad in the wake of Dubya’s ill-conceived war on terror, delivering some unexpected LOL moments without straying too far from a very serious underlying message. Check out my full review on PopCultureShock. Read and post comments | Send to a friend

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Parent-Teacher Nights

Back-to-School 2007 Isaac and India both had their parent-teacher conferences this week, but because I stayed home with them Tuesday and Wednesday as they were sick, Salomé had to attend both meetings solo in the evening.  While I've met both of their primary teachers, she'd only spoken with them over the phone and via email, so it worked out okay, especially since she has the insider's take on what questions to ask beyond "how are they doing?" Both reports were good, with Isaac's teacher raving over his writing, in particular, while India, after some early difficulties, has adapted very well to her new setting. When it comes…

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