An Upcoming Gig!

November3rdClub The November 3rd Club ReadingSaturday, November 3rdThe Bowery Poetry Club308 Bowery, New York, NY 100126 to 8 p.m.; Admission: $7Victor D. Infante hosts a night of readers from the The November 3rd Club, including Tony Brown, Jane Cassady, Brian Dauth, Lea Deschenes, Guy LeCharles Gonzalez, Gary Hoare, Lynne Procope, Skip Shea, Jackie Sheeler, Rachel McKibbens, Michael Cirelli and Patricia Smith. ______ I'm still getting comfortable with reading my own work on stage again -- that whole "like riding a bike" thing is crap! -- and the lineup for this reading isn't exactly a no-pressure, lightweight kind of gig, but I know almost all…

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QotD: World Series 2007

What are your predictions for the World Series? While I'd like to see the Colorado Rockies over the Boston Red Sox in 5, so they can win it at home, I think it will likely go 6 or 7, but the upstart Rocks will ultimately pull out the victory.  Scheduling nonsense aside -- 8:23 pm games in Colorado, in October!?!? -- I think it's going to be an exciting series that not nearly enough people are going to watch. Their loss because the Rockies have several really good players deserving of the national spotlight -- not to mention the always appealing Cinderalla storyline…

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QotD: The Song Remains The Same

Led Zeppelin will finally offer their music online starting next month.   Of the music you buy, about how much of it do you download and how much do you buy on physical formats (CDs, vinyl, etc.)? Any artist not making their music available online in some method -- unless they're involved in some label dispute over royalties -- is crazy, I think, and missing out on reaching new audiences. I rarely buy CDs, et al, these days, preferring to selectively download singles that I like and ocassionally getting the full album from favorite artists or newly discovered ones who click for me (ie: Gym Class Heroes…

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Sometimes, absence makes the heart go wander…

[x-posted from PopCultureShock] What happens when the "maybe we just need a little space" trial separation makes you realize you're actually happier apart and have no interest in getting back together? Well, if you're me and writing about and reviewing comics on a semi-regular basis is what you needed a break from, you stall one more month hoping for the good feelings to return before finally acknowledging the truth and writing the requisite farewell post for the 3-5 people who might still care. In other words, it's officially "adios" for good this time! To the comics internet, at least. I'm…

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Spindle Update

Spindle, Orange Logo We've just uploaded a fresh batch of content for your reading pleasure as we continue our slow but steady march towards our official launch in January 2008. Log on right now to for new poems by J.T. Clark, Liz Dolan, Ainsley Drew, CL Jones, Raina Leon and Lauren L. Wheeler.Plus, a review of the critically acclaimed LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THE BRONX IS BURNING, and an interview with Karin Gallet, NYC Chairperson and Communications Director for The Committee to Draft Mike Bloomberg for President 2008.And be sure to poke around the archives to discover previous work you…

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Busy Weekend Update in Pictures

India Gets a New Care Bear We trekked up to Lawrence Farms Orchards again on Saturday to have an apple-picking/pumpkin-picking/picnic party for India's 5th birthday and the unseasonably warm October weather was absolutely perfect for it! (More pictures @ Flickr.) India, who doesn't like birthday parties at all, handled things pretty well, though she had no interest in her cake and didn't warm up to the idea of opening her presents until we peeked behind the wrapping paper of one of them and she realized a Care Bear was inside! Prior to that, she had dissed a gift bag full…

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Contemplating the Collapse

Randolph & Glavine 1:09pm Guy is holding his breath, crossing his fingers, and dressed in full Mets gear. His kids, too. --I even got Salomé to put on something: my long-sleeve Mr. Mets shirt!  We are ready to rock, though separately as I'm the only one actually watching the game. 1:31pm Guy is thinking Tom Glavine is welcome to return to Atlanta next season.--Things started to fall apart almost immediately as Glavine made some good pitches but the Marlins were hitting them anyway. Never a good sign. I never really warmed up to Glavine being a Met as it was…

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