An Upcoming Gig!
November3rdClub The November 3rd Club ReadingSaturday, November 3rdThe Bowery Poetry Club308 Bowery, New York, NY 100126 to 8 p.m.; Admission: $7Victor D. Infante hosts a night of readers from the The November 3rd Club, including Tony Brown, Jane Cassady, Brian Dauth, Lea Deschenes, Guy LeCharles Gonzalez, Gary Hoare, Lynne Procope, Skip Shea, Jackie Sheeler, Rachel McKibbens, Michael Cirelli and Patricia Smith. ______ I'm still getting comfortable with reading my own work on stage again -- that whole "like riding a bike" thing is crap! -- and the lineup for this reading isn't exactly a no-pressure, lightweight kind of gig, but I know almost all…