On Locked Entries

I've never been a fan of posting locked entries behind a "Friends and Family" filter, but I've found myself doing it a few times recently and wanted to give the handful of you who I know read but don't have a Vox account (or read through LiveJournal cross-posts) a heads-up that I've been posting a little more than it might seem lately. Not much, and nothing terribly exciting or secretive, mind you, but there is a new post today. If you want access, get yourself a Vox account and add me to your neighborhood. Be sure to identify yourself if you're using a screename…

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I’m One Hundred Miles Away, Son…

Warren Wallace for GEICO READY TO STRIKE! I liked the Gecko for the first year or two, but can't stand him any more, and the Cavemen were fun until someone came up with the stupid idea to turn them into a TV show. As good as both campaigns were in the beginning, they're rather overexposed at this point and should really be retired, or at least taken out of heavy rotation. Warren Wallace, though, is a hoot!  Wherever they found this kid, with his deadpan delivery, precocious personality and my new favorite catchphrase, he's a winner. Not that it influences my decisions at all (not usually),…

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Random Update Round-Up

1) Spindle: It's where the majority of my free (and not-so-free) time has gone the past week as I've been tweaking things in the background since the site "soft launched" last Wednesday. I pulled some different featured content to the front for those not inclined to wandering the City aimlessly -- something I plan to do on a weekly basis -- and am pulling together new content for an October 1 update.  Response so far has been terrific, both to the site design and the content, and I'm putting out the first official mass Call for Submissions tonight, distributing flyers at louderARTS and placing a…

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Spindle Soft Launch

Spindle, Orange Logo http://www.spindlezine.com is now live! The soft launch, actually, but with a good amount of content to give a sense of which part of left field I’m coming from with this thing while still leaving plenty more surprises to come. Please take a look, poke around the site a bit, see if you can break anything, and let me know what you think. More importantly, let my contributors know what you think by leaving comments on anything that moves you, for better or worse. To my contributors, in particular, a million and one thanks for indulging my latest…

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QotD: The Fall TV Season

What shows are you looking forward to in the new fall TV season? K-ville and, of course, Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice. K-Ville - FOX Trailer I caught the preview for K-ville on Jet Blue a couple of times last month and it looks really good; a gritty spin on the Miami Vice formula, set in post-Katrina New Orleans. A great setting and an interesting cast -- Anthony Anderson and Cole Hauser are both underrated actors, and someone who looks a lot like Nia Long, though I can't seem to find her or the character (presumably Anderson's wife) credited anywhere...? -- it's the most excited I've been about a…

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Take me back to Cancun!

Back-to-School 2007 Even though I've not been to work since Friday, August 24th, my vacation pretty much ended the minute we landed at JFK last Wednesday evening. Within minutes, no matter how often I supressed them, thoughts of back-to-work and back-to-school things-to-do steadily flooded my brain, and not even my new Nintendo DS and Pokemon Diamond could completely defeat them. :-( Today was a pretty good day, though, all things considered, as Isaac and India returned to school and things seem to be slowly falling into place as far as our annual after-school-care nightmares go. (Some pictures here.) Both of their schools require uniforms this year,…

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Cancun & the New School Year

Cancun 2008 We had a GREAT time in Cancun, as memorable a vacation as I've ever had, and took a ton of pictures, the best of which are up on Flickr at the link. There's some more from the Underground River in Xcaret -- my new favorite vacation destination -- that I need to get developed the old-fashioned way, and will upload those over the weekend along with a more detailed post. Now, even though I'm still on "vacation", I have a bunch of running around to do for India as she starts at her new school next week but was assigned…

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