Party Like A Rock Star

Party Like A Rock Star He heard the music most of us tune out without realizing, marched to a beat mere mortals couldn’t comprehend. A rock star, literally, Peter of the Earth conducted life-giving electricity through those he loved and strangers alike, in random bars and nightclubs and open mics and windswept beaches in the dead of winter. To know him was to question your own commitments, to understand life was meant to be lived, treated like an empty dance floor with a DJ who takes requests. To be uninhibited unrestrained unleashed. Those who can, dance. Those who can’t, write…

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Fail to plan, plan to fail

"I get up every morning determined to both change the world and have one hell of a good time. Sometimes this makes planning my day difficult."--E. B. White Spindle I have a tendency to be a bit impulsive at times; to jump into things without thinking them through, flying by the seat of my pants and depending on a varying combination of adrenaline and determination, a dash of guile, and the invigorating pressure of an impending deadline to push me across the finish line. Usually the results are pretty good, though quite often it's the equivalent of the "B+" paper that could have been an…

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QotD: My Solo Getaway

Would you go on vacation by yourself, and if so where would you go?Submitted by Sean & Stefan. New Mexico Assuming money's no object, I'd start in New Mexico, rent a real Jeep and spend two weeks driving throughout the Southwest -- NM, Arizona, Texas, down into Mexico -- taking in as many cities and open spaces as I could, never spending more than a night or two in any one place. That's the most beautiful part of the country, I think, and I'd love to just soak it all in with no particular schedule of places to go or things to do, the Incredible Hulk…

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Gym Dandy

It's been a month since I started going back to the gym, and though my weight loss has pretty much come to a halt at 183lbs, I can definitely see the difference as I'm starting to tone up, and feel the difference as my stamina continues to  improve each week.  My complete workout is roughly 60 minutes -- 5-10 minutes of stretching, situps and push-ups; 15-20 minutes on the Nautilus machines; 35 minutes on the elliptical bike -- and it's quickly gone from a tough slog that I had to force myself not to cheat on, to an invigorating session that I've had to…

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I Hate Memes

...the way I hate cheap beer. In the right setting, nothing beats a cold PBR in a can. Plus, I was tagged. First the housekeeping. The rules of this meme are:1. Let others know who tagged you.2. Players start with 8 random facts about themselves.3. Those who are tagged should post these rules and their 8 random facts.4. Players should tag 8 other people and notify them they have been tagged. And now, eight things: 1) My MOS in the Army was 63B1P, which means I was a light wheel vehicle mechanic/paratrooper, which means I jumped out of airplanes that…

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