Blogs never completely died, but they’re far less common than they used to be — and arguably more important than ever. After Google Reader was killed and social platforms became the default hub for way too many people, maintaining a single feed to follow everyone I’m interested in became almost impossible.
Post-Twitter, I’ve re-established my own blog as my primary hub, while rebuilding my network across a few different platforms, and these are the blogs (including bloglike newsletters) I check in on regularly.
NOTE: This isn’t a comprehensive list, nor is it static. It’s a curated selection of some of my current favorites, in alphabetical order, and I’ll periodically update it to add/remove people as needed.
Baldur Bjarnason
Seamlessly combining technology and humanities in his insightful Essays and Notes, I learn something new from Bjarnason all of the time. (Also, author of the must-read The Intelligence Illusion.)
Indie RPG Newsletter
A newsletter blog, Thomas Manuel covers a wide range of indie tabletop games, with occasional insights into game development. (Also, produces and hosts the excellent Yes Indie’d Podcast.)
Jane Friedman
One of my most trusted professional colleagues who I also consider a friend; I knew her when she was still “the other Jane Friedman.” Even though we don’t run in the same publishing circles anymore, her site remains an invaluable resource for me, along with her industry newsletter, The Hot Sheet.
“putting the rarin back in librarian since 1999,” Jessamyn West is one of my favorite librarians, sharing a mix of the mundane and insightful across various platforms, but never neglecting her blog.
The Magpie
If I was a comics creator, I’d want to be Alex de Campi, so I was thrilled when she launched a newsletter blog consolidating her unique chaotic creativity into a single channel.
The Naming Way
Old school blogging; randomly personal and insightful, very often funny, and we frequently have overlapping tastes in various media. Bonus: I have no idea who he actually is, but I think we’d get along great!
Postcards From Komiksoj
A newsletter blog, Tobias Carroll shares reviews and insights on a broad range of interesting comics, most of which usually aren’t on my radar.
Scott Woods Makes Lists
“Everything but laundry and groceries,” Woods is a former poetry slam colleague, kickass librarian, hardcore Prince fan, and one of the smartest cultural critics I know.
New site for an OG, I’ve been a fan of Erin Kissane’s work ever since I first saw her speak at SXSW 2010, and I’m eagerly following her newest initiative here.
Header photo by mehul dave on Unsplash.