Review: Red Sonja #0
Damn Kurt Busiek and his unexpectedly enjoyable revitalization of Conan! If not for him, I wouldn’t have taken a chance on Red Sonja, a comic book I was pretty sure I wouldn’t like from the minute I first saw its Greg Land cover. The easy thing would be to simply say you get what you
REVIEW: The Losers #23
Most mainstream comic books these days ride a rickety wooden roller coaster throughout their ever-shortening life spans, offering an uneven mix of definitive and forgettable story arcs before inevitably being rebooted by some flavor-of-the-month talent in the kind of short-term thinking that brought down corporations like Enron and Worldcom. Then there are comic books like
REVIEW: 15 Minutes #3
“In the future, everybody will be world famous for 15 minutes.” In this era of 24-hour news channels and Reality TV, Andy Warhol’s prophetic quote has practically come true. Why should superheroes be any different? That’s the angle Bob Elinskas comes from with 15 Minutes, an appealing combination of Troy Hickman’s Eisner-nominated Common Grounds and
Free Trade Guerrilla: Queer Eye for the Meta Guy
With this… I say “THANKS!” to Brandon and anyone else associated with Superman Returns for throwing two strikes on this movie before it even hits the editing room! Somebody invest in some foam! Hire BALCO and hook him up with some Cream and Clear. Someone up the CGI budget, please. Do something. Anything! Physique issues
Speedos or Bust!
Well, not literally. No matter what shape you’re in, unless you’re an Olympic swimmer in the middle of a competition, Speedos are unseemly and a bit vulgar. The male equivalent of camel toe. Nevertheless, I’ve finally started hitting the gym again and am trying to get back into shape. Thanks to the flu a month
Mixed Emotions
We didn’t get the house. While we were apparently “one of the better offers,” the winning offer was “substantially higher.” I’m guessing that means at least $5k above our offer, if not more, so great for the seller – a nice old guy who’ll now be able to retire comfortably and spend his time painting
Comment: Living the Dream…Vicariously
While much of the ever-expanding Comics Blogiverse is made up of wannabe writers – Grant Morrison sycophants praising his every bowel movement, and frustrated hacks full of shallow anti-Marvel/DC snark being the two largest demographics – there’s another, much more interesting subculture to be found: aspiring comics retailers. As much as I’d love to one
Try Something Different: 4/27/05
Support Independent Comics! Independent comics (and manga) being released tomorrow, 4/27/05, courtesy of ComicList. Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. What are you reading? AARDVARK-VANAHEIM/WIN-MILL PRO Following Cerebus #1 (AA), $3.95 Following Cerebus #2 (AA), $3.95
"Highest and Best"
“Pop quiz, hotshot. How much do you want this house?” Highest and Best. That’s the rules of the game for our bid on the house we want. All offers will go through the listing agent for presentation tomorrow afternoon and the seller will pick the “highest and best” of them, with no counter-offers being made.
Adventures in Real Estate
What a crazy week. We flip-flopped so much on our housing situation, I felt like John Kerry by Sunday night! Faced with the likelihood of stretching ourselves unacceptably thin to afford a decent house in Bloomfield, we started working on Plan B, an apartment in a Manhattan neighborhood with a good elementary school. Our logic