COMMENT: Gwen Stacy Revealed!
Last night (Tuesday) Bryce Dallas Howard appeared on The Tonight Show. She is making the rounds promoting a new film, while sporting the Gwen Stacy hairdo. You can be the judge, but I think it looks pretty good.
Last night (Tuesday) Bryce Dallas Howard appeared on The Tonight Show. She is making the rounds promoting a new film, while sporting the Gwen Stacy hairdo. You can be the judge, but I think it looks pretty good.
Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month!It's the beginning of Black History Month. Flashback: one year ago. Still one of my favorite posts.My weekly look at select comic books being released Wednesday, 2/1/06. The full shipping is list available at ComicList.[NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try or]CREATIVE TALENT COMMUNICATIONS When Zombies Attack #1 (Of 4), $2.99This sounds more like an agency than a publisher. And isn't the zombie craze over…
Guess it depends on who YOU are?Shopping as I do at Midtown Comics, I've never pre-ordered anything before, and as a result, have never had a need to do more than quickly flip through a copy of Previews, Diamond Comics Distributors' monthly catalog of product being solicited to the direct market. I picked up the current issue last week because I was considering a new column for Buzzscope that would serve both as a pre-ordering primer for those unfamiliar, and a less-snarky spin on my weekly "On The Shelves" post here on CBC. It's an unwieldly chunk of pulped tree,…
I knew there was something I wanted to blog about recently. The Frey guy and his fictional memoir, A Million Little Lies, or something like that. Glad to see Oprah ripped him and his editor a new one over it.Reminded me of the poetry debate we used to have over "fiction in the first person", and whether or not it was cool for poets to perform first-person tales of woe without clarifying the truthfulness of the content.Noel Jones wins!...Yeah, that's all. Hit the comics blog if you want verbosity from me these days. :-P
...for the time being, at least. I'd say it's a 50/50 shot right now, which is actually a little better than what I thought a week or so ago. Keep those fingers crossed! In other news, I need a vacation. And another 3 hours added to each day! Ugh. PS: Cleared out 12,000+ emails from my email this weekend, dating back to March 2005, when I abandoned it to an overload of spam. Caught a few emails of interest in my deleting frenzy, though - batches of 200, sorted by subject, made for some interesting anecdotal marketing research -…
Just a quick update, in lieu of any significant posting this week.1) Buzzscope is apparently experiencing some growing pains, as our server has been crapping out randomly over the past couple of days. They're working on getting it fixed, but your ability to access the site in the (very) short-term will be sporadic. Do keep checking, though, as a bunch of good stuff went up in the past two days, including the latest "The Hive"; "Comics You Should Own"; a double dose of "What's A Nubian?"; and the debut of Jenny Gonzalez' column, "Peripheral Images". Good times!2) On a sorta-related…
UPDATEDThe results are in from the inaugural Comics Bloggers' Poll 2005, and like so many voting experiences of mine over the past six years or so, I find myself once again disappointed in my fellow Americans bloggers.James Meeley notes the skewed turnout, with only 2 of the 50 bloggers voting being women, while Ragnell comments that it was "mostly superhero fans who voted." I'm only familiar with exactly half of the voters' blogs, but of those, there's a pretty good mix of tastes, so I'm not sure how much weight to give that particular observation.Anyway, the results (top five for…