Buzzscope Reviews: 9/28/05

Black Widow: The Things They Say About Her #1 (of 6)The combination of a regular dose of Bill Sienkiewicz' art and Richard K. Morgan's intriguing, globe-spanning spy-noir tale made their first Black Widow volume an unexpected treat last year, and they succesfully pick up right where they left off without alienating new readers.Be sure to check out this week's Review Roundup, including Action Philosophers! #3, one of my personal favorites. Also, there's brand-spanking new What A Girl Wants and Comics You Should Own columns, ripping Brian Pulido and praising Aztek, respectively. Check 'em out!

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Walk Now Update

Just a final reminder about Saturday's WALK NOW, and a huge THANK YOU to everyone's who's donated so far. We're just under $1800 right now, which is pretty damn incredible, but wouldn't it be great if we broke $2000? Does this help? :-) Seriously, though, even $5 makes a difference, so if you can swing it, please do.

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PSA: Autism Fundraising

I'd debated for a while whether or not to post anything about this here, reluctant to let the real world bleed into my 4-color escape, but I came across the following project and decided to go ahead and make an exception for a larger cause:Autism Project My name is Nic Carcieri. I am the writer/co-creator of Portal Productions' comic book RIP from Repercussion Comics. I live in the metro-Atlanta area and have a 4 1/2 year old son named Ben. Ben has been diagnosed with Pervasive Developmental Delay (PDD) which is part of the autism spectrum.What I am doing is…

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Link: Erik Larsen Goes Off

Wow!An open letter to comic book creators everywhere:Is that all you've got?Really?Because if it is-- that's pretty fucking sad....I understand the desire to clutch on to the security of a guaranteed page rate. And I understand the attraction of working on characters that you grew up with. But at what point are you going to grow up? When are you going to stop sucking on the corporate tit? When are you going to (gasp) take a risk?Do you think the guy working for MdDonalds really has a better chance for success than the guy opening up his own restaurant? Sure,…

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On The Shelves: 9/28/05

Support GOOD Comics! Try something NEW!My weekly look at select comic books being released tomorrow, 9/28/05. The full shipping is list available at ComicList.[NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try or]COMIC BOOK LEGAL DEFENSE FUND CBLDF SPS 2005 Anthology, $12.95For a great cause, and from what I've heard, there's some good stuff in it.DARK HORSE COMICS Revelations #2 (Of 6), $2.99Didn't love the first issue, but it was intriguing. Probably pick it…

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