Welcome to the Playoffs!

Actually, it's the second round, as we won last week's game, an 11-5 rout that we made more interesting than it should have been with a shaky last inning. After throwing out my shoulder in my previous game a couple of weeks ago, I played 1st base and was in on several plays, including three unassisted outs on pop flys. Went 2-for-3 at the plate, with 3 RBIs and 2 runs scored. Overall, probably my best game yet.Tonight, we'll all have to step it up as we're playing the only undefeated team in the league. Game's @ 7:15pm up at…

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If It’s Not One Thing…

It's another. And another. And another!Thanks to our latest daycare fiascosituation, there's some big changes on the horizon, pretty much across the board. Fork in the road time, if you will, with pretty drastic consequences coming from either direction. Part of me wants to kill Rosa for flaking out on us in such incredible fashion - without even a phone call! - and part of me wants to believe this is the equivalent of my decision to move back to Miami when I got out of the Army crashing and burning on arrival, sending me back to NY and, ultimately,…

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Via FlogComic Book Commentary is going on hiatus for a bit, to return sometime in the Fall with a completely different look and feel. In the meantime, check out the archives (scroll all the way down) and catch my ongoing four-color adventures here at Buzzscope.

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Try Something Different: 7/27/05

Support Independent Comics!Independent comics (and manga) being released tomorrow, 7/27/05, courtesy of ComicList. Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it.Recommendations, sometimes blind, in BOLD. Which ones are YOU reading?AC COMICS Men Of Mystery #54, $6.95ACTOR Actor DFE Hunter Killer Alt Cvr #1, $6.99 Actor New Avengers #2 Miki Sgn, $19.99 Actor X-Men Forever #1 Alt Cover, $10.00A. D. VISION Full Metal Panic Manga Vol 8 TPB, $9.99 Notenki Memoirs SC, $9.99ALIAS ENTERPRISES LLC Dreamland Chronicles #2 (Of 24), $4.50 Gimoles #1 (Of…

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Buzzscope Reviews: 7/20/05

A week off for vacation and the to-read pile is ridiculously high! Oddly enough, for all the comics I bought this week, there weren't too many that inspired a review, positive or negative. Two I did like but didn't get a chance to review were Defenders #1 and Grounded #1. The former was as fun and silly as expected, while the latter was a pleasant surprise that caught me unawares. Check it out here.The Atheist #2A taut, black-and-white thriller with a tinge of horror...The Atheist is also the kind of comic book that rewards the discerning reader, one who demands…

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Preview: Indie October Solicitations

Comics Continuum has the Image, Dark Horse and Devil's Due October Solicitations up, and here's what I'm particularly looking forward to reading and/or snarking:SEASON OF THE WITCH #1Written by Jai Nitz, art and cover by Kevin Sharpe."Spring." Jessica Suddreth was a normal high school freshman until she was magically transported to the fairytale world of Asamondo. Once there she trains to be a Spell Sword, a mystical warrior, to lead the peasants against the tyrannical King Elian. The good news is she's the best Spell Sword ever. The bad news is she still has all the emotions and insecurities of…

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Preview: DC’s October Solicitations

CBR has DC's October Solicitations up, and here's what I'm particularly looking forward to reading and/or snarking:BATMAN: GOTHAM COUNTY LINE #1Written by Steve Niles; Art and cover by Scott HamptonAcclaimed writer Steve Niles (30 Days of Night) joins distinctive painter Scott Hampton (BATMAN: NIGHT CRIES) for a 3-issue Prestige Format miniseries that uncovers the investigation of grisly murders outside Batman's usual territory…in the Gotham suburbs! Commissioner Gordon calls on the Dark Knight for help in solving the mystery, although Batman has never delved into the suburbs of Gotham before. But the series of murders is so shocking that Batman must…

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