Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Plants Are People, Too

Ken Druse, author of Planthropology, declares that “plants get no respect”, but that recognizing them as individual beings brings them to life…and proves it!

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

How the Internet (and Advertisers) Killed Journalism

The Atlantic has a must-read essay from James Warren, “When No News Is Bad News” (h/t @guykawasaki), that does an excellent job of putting into perspective how the Internet played a role in the death spiral of newspapers. Most interestingly, he makes it crystal clear how precarious the road ahead is for real journalism’s survival as a result, while

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Is the Future of Publishing…GOOD?

The bad news in the publishing industry didn’t let up last week as reports of cutbacks and layoffs and dramatically decreased revenues continued to pour in, and TheMediaIsDying tweeted every depressing bit of it, from major publications to small local radio stations, the rare bit of positive news they offered up paling in comparison. One

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Random Reviews: Inkheart, Wanted, Chalk

We’ve been having a lot of Blockbuster nights since we bought the house last summer, while managing to catch whatever kid-friendly movies worth seeing in theaters whenever possible, and I’ve been reviewing a lot of them on Flixster but wanted to round up the most recent batch and post them here, including expanded commentary on

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Spindle Update: We’re Back!

Can you believe Spindle “officially” launched just over a year ago?  Or that it has been 9 long months since we had a full update?!? Of course you do because you’ve been anxiously refreshing the home page ever since, or triple-checking your favorite RSS reader in a desperate attempt to make some fresh new NYC-flavored

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Our “Long National Nightmare” is almost over

[youtube:] Strung together, it’s actually pretty amazing Canada or Mexico didn’t decide we were ripe for the picking and invade. WTF?!?! Also, “eight years in eight minutes” from Keith Olbermann:

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Twitter Tips for Writers

I raved about my former Writer’s Digest colleague, Maria Schneider, a couple of weeks back — towards the end of a long rambling post that no one but my wife probably read — because she’s put together one of the best websites for writers out there at She’s not only producing some great content including

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Awkward Class War Humor

[youtube:] Part of me appreciates the wry humor, and part of me is totally offended by the young black mailroom guy playing the lottery. I thinks it’s really advertising the lottery itself that’s bothering me, as it’s basically a sucker tax on the poor, “acceptable” because some of the revenue supposedly goes to schools. Of course, not in direct

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

Is Print Advertising Dead?

Check out @themediaisdying on Twitter for a glimpse at the convulsions of an industry that’s either at death’s door or, for the more optimistically inclined, in the midst of a violent but necessary transformation. I’ve worked in magazine publishing for 15 years now — consumer, B2B and non-profit — and as has been noted pretty much

Me, in a green "Freed Between the Lines." hoodie.

The Return of Spindle (and a call for help)

When it comes to Spindle, I often refer to “we” but the reality is that it’s 99.5% me; I’m a control freak and have no shame admitting it. Of course, that has a rather extreme down side to it, too. I have a couple of poetry editors who are more like consultants whom I run

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