Crystal Ball: September 2006 Solicitations, Part II

Support GOOD Comics! Pre-order something new EVERY month. Part I featured a look at Marvel, DC, Image and Dark Horse's offerings for September 2006, and now Part II casts the spotlight on the 10 most interesting books being solicited by "independent" publishers. The full solicitations for September can be found at [NOTE: Most of these titles will probably not be available at your local comic book shop (LCBS) if you do not pre-order them. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, download a convenient order form from Diamond and be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find…

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COMMENT: Terrence Howard as the Joker?

While adding a few new blogs to The Watchtower today, I came across Valerie D'Orazio's Occasional Superheroine and a post she made about Robin Williams' desire to portray the Joker in the sequel to Batman Begins.But Williams, despite a career slump in sub-Disney hell, is still an Icon. And maybe that's what the franchise needs. I mean, I can't even remember who played the villain in "Batman Begins."Bad idea, says I.Jack Nicholson completely stole the first Batman, and the sequels tried to one-up their predecessors with increasingly ridiculous stunt casting that ultimately gave us Ah-nold as Mr. Freeze."Chill."No thanks! Christopher…

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REVIEW: Artesia Besieged #1

I started going through some #1s I’ve read recently last night, intending to write up another round of Quickee reviews, but it turned into a lovefest for the previously hyped Artesia as I was sucked back into the Known World and didn’t want to leave!

As I noted a few weeks back, I picked up Artesia: Besieged #1 on a lark, having enjoyed several of the other titles Archaia Studio Press has recently released — The Lone and Level Sands, Robotika and Mouse Guard — and was totally captivated by it, so much so that I bought the first two TPBs, Artesia and Artesia Afield, over the following two weeks and quickly devoured both of them. Mark Smylie has constructed an impressive medieval world that deftly mixes high fantasy with sword and sorcery, and created one of the most compelling lead characters I’ve ever encountered in Artesia, a former concubine who becomes a respected war captain, feared priestess and, eventually, self-proclaimed Queen.

In this first installment of the Fourth Book of Dooms, aptly sub-titled “The Calm Before”, Smylie does an excellent job of setting the stage for new readers without explaining every single detail of what’s come before, instead offering just enough information to make it clear that there’s a much larger world beyond the pages of this issue while placing the spotlight squarely on Artesia and her place in that world. Whether musing about the path that has found her leading an unstable army into war, strategizing plans for engaging in said war, or indulging in “distractions of the flesh”, she is as three-dimensional a fictional character as has ever been presented in the genre, with or without pictures. The story itself sets a couple of intriguing subplots in motion, and ends with a twist that works thanks as much to its context as to Artesia’s reaction to it.


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On the Shelves: 7/6/06

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month. My weekly look at select comic books being released Thursday, 7/6/06. The full shipping is list available at ComicList. [NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try or] PICK OF THE WEEK Second Wave: War of the Worlds #4BALLANTINE BOOKS Flight Vol 3 GN, $24.95 For all the praise the first two volumes of this anthology has received, the second one remains buried in my…

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On The Shelves: 6/28/06

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month. My weekly look at select comic books being released Wednesday, 6/28/06. The full shipping is list available at ComicList. [NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try or] PICK OF THE WEEK Solo #11ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS According to Johanna at CWR, Archie will finally be releasing a collected edition of Tania Del Rio's Sabrina, the Teenage Witch this October. While I'm not really the audience…

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CBC Quickees: Public Enema and more…

It's been a long time between reviews, yes? Between the revamp here and PopCultureShock's server crapping out for almost a week, I skipped my Pull List Propaganda column this month and the pile is growing again. I'm saving the TPBs -- including Bluesman Vol. 1 & 2 and East Coast Rising -- for next month's column, but here's six quickees for your consideration.Thunderbolts #103 (Marvel, $2.99): The first Civil War tie-in I've read so far and it was actually better than the main event itself, which is really just a series of "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if...?" moments Mark…

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CONTEST: BOOM! Sampler Winner

"If winning Wizard's award for Best New Publisher didn't make them front and center of your buy pile, maybe my pleas will.You need to buy their books. One visit to the website will show this isn't some normal run-of-the-mill I have friends in comics operation. They're one of the few remaining operations that gives me hope for comics not heading down the same stale path as today's movies.Alright, I give up. They aren't the best new publisher in years. I just can't name another one that's better..."Congratulations to Rob of The Definite Maybe for his winning entry in our BOOM!…

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