COMMENT: Moon Knight Hype; WonderCon News

Joe Quesada's hyping the new Moon Knight series, and while he's been on point lately - at least with the examples he gives here - I have to admit to cringing a little bit whenever he goes in to spin mode in connection to anything I'm looking forward to.NRAMA: "Scribe" - If you had to pick ONE new ongoing title coming out sometime this year as your own "One to Watch", which would it be and why?JQ: That book is simply called, Moon Knight! It is everyone's favorite new title up here at Marvel. Charlie [Huston] and David [Finch] are…

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COMMENT: Code Black

Damn you, ABC!From America's Funniest Home Videos to Extreme Makeover: Home Edition to Desperate Housewives, ABC slowly but surely took possession of my Sunday nights last season, to the point where our entire night is now structured around watching as much of those shows as we can. We eat during AHV, bathe the kids during EM, iron clothes during DW...and always turn the TV off before we can be tempted into Grey's Anatomy.Then the Super Bowl came, and two little words kept me in front of the TV when the game was finished: Code Black.The commercials for the Super Bowl…

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On The Shelves: 2/8/06

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month!My weekly look at select comic books being released Wednesday, 2/8/06. The full shipping is list available at ComicList.[NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try or]ARCANA STUDIO 100 Girls #7 $2.95The final issue of the first story arc of one the best indie comics going. Can't wait!BOOM! STUDIOS Jeremiah Harm #1 $3.99No idea what this is, but I like the name, and in combination with…

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COMMENT: JMS’ “What If…?” Concept

Dan pointed out this NEWSarama interview to me last night, with spider-scribe J. Michael Straczynski talking about an upcoming project of his called Bullet Points:

…in this story, I looked to the past to find probably the one most critical moment in the history of the Marvel Universe, which was the moment when Steve Rogers became Captain America. No sooner did he get the Super-Soldier Serum than a Nazi assassin killed Dr. Erskine and made sure there would be no more Captain Americas.

I then took that moment and, for this alternate history story, changed one thing – the assassin hits Erskine one day earlier. Not only does this incident prevent Steve from becoming Captain America, the murder kills another person caught in the crossfire, the MP escorting Erskine to a waiting jeep…an eighteen-year-old Ben Parker.

So with one attack, two lives are lost…and the repercussions of that event ripple out across the entire Marvel Universe like a cue ball sending everything into new configurations. Though the Super-Soldier Serum is gone, Steve Rogers still wants desperately to serve…and the military gives him that chance in an experimental exo-suit they’re still perfecting, a device that takes a continual toll on his health because it’s so difficult and hard to use…the first prototype in the army’s “Iron Man” program.

Similarly, Peter Parker, born years later, grows up without the stabilizing presence of Ben Parker, and ends up in a very different place emotionally and physically…a troubled teen, who falls into the wrong company, gets in trouble, runs away and is stranded in the desert when a certain Gamma bomb goes off.


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LINK: Reality Check + NYCC Update

My latest Establishing Shots just went up, and I go off on a bit of a personal, real world tangent before ripping into idiot trolls:At this point, there's some ill-mannered idiot out there reading along wondering why I'm not writing about Spider-Man's new costume (I give it six months), or offering yet another opinion on Infinite Crisis #4 (Can you say, "plot hammer", boys and girls?). He's probably considering hitting the talkbacks to post some asinine comment like:"Wish there was some menu here where I could filter out all those fine authors who confuse a column with embarassing gender battles…

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On The Shelves: 2/1/06

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month!It's the beginning of Black History Month. Flashback: one year ago. Still one of my favorite posts.My weekly look at select comic books being released Wednesday, 2/1/06. The full shipping is list available at ComicList.[NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try or]CREATIVE TALENT COMMUNICATIONS When Zombies Attack #1 (Of 4), $2.99This sounds more like an agency than a publisher. And isn't the zombie craze over…

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COMMENT: Growing Pains

Just a quick update, in lieu of any significant posting this week.1) Buzzscope is apparently experiencing some growing pains, as our server has been crapping out randomly over the past couple of days. They're working on getting it fixed, but your ability to access the site in the (very) short-term will be sporadic. Do keep checking, though, as a bunch of good stuff went up in the past two days, including the latest "The Hive"; "Comics You Should Own"; a double dose of "What's A Nubian?"; and the debut of Jenny Gonzalez' column, "Peripheral Images". Good times!2) On a sorta-related…

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