Buzzscope/CBC Editorial Office

My “inbox”:

The stack on the top left is everything I’ve read recently but not reviewed, either for Buzzscope of CBC Quickees. Approx. 15 comics deep is where intended reviews go to die. 🙁

The stack on the top right, underneath the New York TimesInfinite Crisis article, is mostly completed mini-series and story arcs that I’ve not yet filed away. There’s also some random issues of Moon Knight and Marc Spector: Moon Knight I pulled a while back in anticipation of my interview with Charlie Huston, and a complete run of The Saga of Crystar the Crystal Warrior, one of three I picked up off eBay a few months back when I got the wild idea that I wanted to track down the rights and publish my own revival of it! Um, yeah, moving on…

The stack on the bottom left are “not current” comics I haven’t read yet. Mostly digests and odd-sized TPBs – including Scott Pilgrim #1-2 and You Ain’t No Dancer – the first two issues of El Muerto landed on top of that pile because I didn’t want them to get buried underneath–

the stack on the bottom right, “current” comics that I haven’t read yet. There’s a few TPBs on the bottom, including Flight Vol. 2, but it’s mostly floppies, and the pile has steadily gotten bigger ever since I took on the editorial position over at Buzzscope. Rocketo #1, XIII #1, Winter Men #1-2 are all in there somewhere.

Underneath them are 2 long boxes and 3 short boxes, holding, respectively, current arcs and mini-series, my incomplete collection of the original EPIC line of comics, my 2/3rds-complete collection of Moon Knight (including significant appearances), completed indie mini-series’, and random first issues of series’ I’m not collecting.


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Buzzscope: Down With the King?

My latest Establishing Shots column is up, a look at what Stephen King's DARK TOWER project with Marvel means for indie creators.This isn’t Joss Whedon taking on the X-Men or promoting his movie; and it’s not Brad Meltzer taking on some of the most recognizable icons in American pop culture. This is Stephen King offering original material in a sequential format, in a genre that is, to put it charitably, under everybody's radar when it comes to comic books.Funny thing about a monthly column that's equal parts commentary and site hype, is the commentary aspect rarely ends up being about…

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On The Shelves: 11/2/05

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month!My weekly look at select comic books being released tomorrow, 11/2/05. The full shipping is list available at ComicList.[NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try or]ACC STUDIOS Liberality For All #1 (Of 8), $2.99Part of me feels obligated to pick this up, just because I believe I should be aware of all the "notable" comics out there, and part of me is reluctant to validate…

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Buzzscope: What’s a Nubian? #1

When I first came across last year, it was the combination of the favorable response in their forums to the announcement of Reggie Hudlin taking on Black Panther (in contrast to the immediate sniping over at NEWSarama and throughout the comics blogosphere, with ignorant comments like, "Oh no! He's going to gangstify the Black Panther!"), and the "Color Commentary" column that surveyed black characters' appearances each month, that landed it a spot in my bookmarks. Of course, Hudlin turned out to be a bit of a dud, and "Color Commentary" disappeared before really fulfilling its promise, but those two…

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COMMENT: September’s G*ddamn Sales Figures

Over on the Buzz Blog, I posted some comments on September's sales figures that saw All Star Batman & Robin, The Boy Wonder #2 top the list with approximately 178,000 copies pre-sold to the direct market. Further down the chart, though, something else caught my eye:ARANA #8 (13,758) and #9 (12,920) both outsold the series that spawned her, AMAZING FANTASY #12 (11,983), though Araña can presumably look to its digest collections to justify its continued existence. She's also outselling Indie darlings (and Premier Publisher counterparts) GIRLS #5 (12,002), INVINCIBLE #26 (11,574) and SEA O/RED #4 (4,764), despite Marvel's pretty much…

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On the Shelves: 10/26/05

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month!My weekly look at select comic books being released tomorrow, 10/26/05. The full shipping is list available at ComicList.[NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try or]BROKEN HALOS Sinbuck Angel Eyes Wwcg Ed TPB, $14.95This gets the prize for Best Title of the Week. Mainly because it's a light week, and I have no idea what "Wwcg" means.DARK HORSE COMICS Revelations #3 (Of 6), $2.99Last issue…

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LINK: When Comics and Politics Clash!

Over at Newsarama, a lively debate sprung up on their message boards. That's nothing new to Newsarama regulars, though. They have one of the most active forums on the web. Fans regularly log on to bitch *cough, cough* discuss topics related to comic books, but this one was slightly different. This time the "Hero" being written about holds a dubious place in history. Not the comic continuity type of history, real life history, as in you and me. The topic in the fanboy's crosshairs this time is Che Guevara.For those of you who don't know who he is, here is…

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