On the Shelves: 10/19/05

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month!My weekly look at select comic books being released tomorrow, 10/19/05. The full shipping is list available at ComicList.[NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try Khepri.com or MidtownComics.com]ALIAS ENTERPRISES LLC 10th Muse Vol 2 #5, $2.99 David Shepherds Song #2 (Of 3), $2.99 Deal With The Devil #5 (Of 5), $2.99 Legend Of Isis #4, $2.99 Opposite Forces Vol 2 #2 (Of 4), $2.99Now that they've lost…

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On The Shelves: 10/12/05

Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month!My weekly look at select comic books being released tomorrow, 10/12/05. The full shipping is list available at ComicList.[NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try Khepri.com or MidtownComics.com]DARK HORSE COMICS Goon 25 Cent Comic, $0.25 Tony Millionaire Little & Large HC, $7.95The Goon is one of those internet favorites I've yet to check out, so I'll pick this preview up and see what the deal is. The…

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Buzzscope Reviews: 10/5/05

Cranked a few out this week, including our first "Staff Picks" entry...Amazing Fantasy #13With the underlying concept of superpowered humans who eschew capes and tights – and are inherently more dangerous as a result – Karl Kesel quickly establishes a credible setting that begs for elaboration, while teasing just enough information to pique the readers interest.Conan and the Demons of Khitai #1 (of 4)Editor Scott Allie has proven to be a worthy steward of Robert E. Howard’s storied barbarian, and with Demons of Khitai, it looks as if he’s once again caught lightning in a bottle as Akira Yoshida and…

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Industry Buzz #3: Flawed Diamond?

There was some interesting buzz last month about Diamond Comic Distributor's policy of canceling orders for comic books that don't reach certain thresholds, a move which, long story short, primarily affects small press titles selling under 1,500 copies/issue, and it's led to the inevitable speculation about the eventual demise of independent publishers. The fact that Diamond pretty much owns the North American Direct Market means they have an inordinate amount of control over what makes it to retailers' shelves and, ultimately, into readers' hands.This month, Industry Buzz takes a closer look at Diamond and the direct market, and asks: is…

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CBC Quickees: 9/28/05

My To-Read pile is getting out of hand...Black Panther #8: Sigh. Hudlin totally let me down here. After defending the first four issues of his controversial reimagining of the Black Panther, he abruptly wrapped up his first arc without ever answering the primary question his story posed, "Who is the Black Panther?" Then, last issue's pointless, though admittedly entertaining, House of M tie-in, and now this internal continuity confusing crossover with the X-Men, whom he's inexplicably met before and even had some sort of a relationship with Storm!?!? Storm, whom strips down naked and takes to the skies posing as…

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Comment: Larsen Backtracking?

So Erik Larsen managed to rile up the internet last week with his rant about comic book creators working on established characters for the Big Two instead of creating their own, ignorantly going with a slavery metaphor - But you stay shackled to that chain and pick that cotton and tell us all how "nice" your master is and how much you "like it" there. Ah, white privilege! - and calling them pussies.Because I use Bloglines to track CBR articles, it notifies me whenever a piece has been updated, and Larsen's column popped up again today with the notation: Posted…

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On the Shelves: 10/5/05

Support GOOD Comics! Try something NEW!My weekly look at select comic books being released tomorrow, 10/5/05. The full shipping is list available at ComicList.[NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one; or try Khepri.com or MidtownComics.com]AMAZING AARON PRODUCTIONS College Girl Named Joe Vol 2 TPB, $14.95The "front of the back of Previews" strategy - whereby you name your company something starting with an "a" - garners Amazing Aaron a best name of the week nod.APE ENTERTAINMENT Justice…

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