Blogaround Challenge Met!

Via Bloggity-Blog-Blog-Blog:Here's what you gotta do. Go to the Comics Weblog Update-A-Tron 3000 and click through to at least ten comic book blogs. You can do more, but ten is the minimum. I would also stick with blogs that have been updated within the last couple of weeks, but that's not a hard and fast rule. As another loose rule, go for blogs you haven't visited before, if you can. The goal of this challenge is to meet new bloggers and see new stuff.Visit each blog. Look at it. Form an impression about it. Then write a short bit about…

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Buzzscope Reviews: 8/31/05

A light week of reviews, both for Buzzscope and CBC Quickees, as reality pushed comic books back into the realm of non-judgemental escapism, and my critical abilities were shot after one review. Besides Johnny Raygun, other highlights of the week were: Amelia Rules #14 (officially joining Bumperboy as one of my favorite, truly all-ages comics), Powers #12 (saved from the axe after stagnating a bit), The Expatriate #3 ("WTF?" done right), and The Grimoire #5 (consistently fantastical fun). Oddly, after three false starts, the much-acclaimed Rocketo #1 sinks further into my to-read pile.Johnny Raygun #6A satisfyingly straightforward, subtly satirical spin…

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Comment: Right-Wing Conspiracy?

Not really. But there's an interesting little coincidence going on over at w/r/t Combat Zone: True Tales of GIs in Iraq. I posted a version of my Buzzscope review there a little while back, as I do with everything I review that they happen to sell, and received a couple of negative emails about it. Unusual, but not a big deal. It's a touchy subject for many.What's interesting, though, is that since I posted mine, five more reviews were posted, four overwhelmingly postive, each one from a first-time reviewer. Plus, my review has received an unusually disproportionate "6 of…

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Try Something Different: 8/31/05

Support GOOD Comics!A look at select comic books being released today, 8/31/05. Full shipping list available at ComicList. (Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to take advantage of it. If not, find another one, or try or Smoke & Guns GN, $12.95The preview in Black Diamond On-Ramp did nothing for me, and Tim O'Neil confirms that feeling.DARK HORSE COMICS Revelations #1 (Of 6), $2.99Paul Jenkins and Humberto Ramos are one of my favorite creative duos from their run on Spectacular Spider-Man, so this mini-series…

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CBC Quickees: 8/24/05

Quick reviews of comics I read last week, rated 0 to 5 stars.Black Panther #7 (Marvel; $2.99)Um...damn, Hudlin is really making it hard to keep up my defense of his work here. On the heels of the his first arc's hasty and inconclusive wrapup - he never really did get to the heart of "Who is the Black Panther?" - comes an awkward House of M tie-in which, despite the pagelong intro, will likely leave any brand new readers he brought in sitting in the dark. About the only good thing I can say is that it comes the closest…

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Story Ideas

Somewhat randomly, I've been asked to contribute a script to an anthology comic book by this guy, Erech Overaker, whom I know electronically via CBC and Buzzscope. He's looking for "...strictly slice of life, everyday kinda stuff, humorous dramatic ambient whatever. I want to show the other side of comics, you know?" All things considered, it's a rather flattering request and I'm tempted to take him up on it, though I've never really given any serious thought to writing something for comics. I've joked about it, sure, but it's a tough form that I've come to have a much greater…

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Fun With Reviews

I posted my aforementioned review of Combat Zone: True Tales of GI’s in Iraq, Vol. 1 TP to yesterday, as I do with anything I review that they happen to sell, and have already received two emails about it from people not thrilled with what I wrote. (Mind you, in the 2+ plus years of reviewing stuff there, I’ve only ever received one email in response!) The first was from someone in the 82nd Airborne assuring me that Zinsmeister’s stories were true, if combined, and was polite and straightforward in the process. The second one, not so much on the polite:

I am really pissed at your biased opinion of this Comic novel. Did you bother to research to see if the stories that were in the novel are in fact true to what took place?, were you there? I doubt it! So, why would you say “supposedly depicting real life accounts” And to compare it to the “Jessica Lynch” situation, come on!!

Karl Zinsmeisters Book “Boots on the Ground,” had you taken the time to read, is a true and accruate report on the 82nds time in Iraq during the first part of the war. The comic novel is taken some of the stories from that book and brought it pictorally(all be it cartoon like) to life for me. I say that because my son is a paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne and was there when Karl was embedded with them. From day one of Operation Iraqi Freedom for a year and then back again for last years elections, the stories that my son has told are the same stories that are in both the book and comic novel.

There is no way it could have been made up. “A disservice to the men”? how many did you ask before making that assumption? My son appreciates the work that Karl put into this, to tell the story as it was, not how the media wants us to see it.

The next time you write a review of something of this nature you should do your homework before making yourself look stupid and ignorant. Or maybe just stick to reading your imaginary character comic books, and leave the more mature ones to some one with better knowledge of what he is talking about.

A proud father of a Soldier
serving with the elite 82nd Airborne.


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