Comment: The Comics Blogiverse

The myriad comic book-related blogs that have sprung up over the past couple of years run the gamut from unpretentious reviews and commentary by enthusiastic fans to jaded bile and snark by agenda-driven wannabes looking to break into the industry. The Comic Weblog Linkatron 5000 links to them all without prejudice so I thought I'd offer up quick takes on some of my favorites, all linked (and newly updated) in the left-hand column under Comic Blogs.The BeatHeidi MacDonald is the real deal, an industry veteran covering the news of the day with an occasional dose of intelligent snark. Only downside…

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INFO: Free Comic Book Day 2006

Diamond Comic Distributors has announced this weekend in San Diego that Free Comic Book Day 2006 will take place on Saturday, May 6th, the second consecutive year the event will take place separate from the release of a comic book-based movie. Marketing will be in full swing for the summer slate of comic book-inspired movies, though, including Zoom's Academy, scheduled for release the following weekend, May 12th; X3, May 23rd; and Superman Returns, June 30th.It also won't fall on Mother's Day weekend again, a poor bit of scheduling that made it difficult for some fathers **ahem** to fully participate in…

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Industry Buzz #1: The Kids Are Alright

My latest feature over at Buzzscope is a column called Industry Buzz, a monthly roundtable featuring some of the most outspoken creators, retailers, pundits and advocates in comics commenting on the issues affecting the comics industry. Check it out and add your two cents to the discussion!The ParticipantsRonée Garcia Bourgeois - National VP / PR, Friends Of LuluJohanna Draper Carlson - Reviewer, Comics Worth ReadingGerry Gladston - President, Midtown ComicsBrian Scot Johnson - Proprietor, Khepri.comFrank Miller - Proprietor, Richmond ComixChris Pitzer - Publisher, AdHouse BooksJason Rodriguez - Editor, Hoarse & BuggyRose Vess - Reviewer, Shrew ReviewScott Wherle - Writer, BlacklightPlus,…

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Spring Cleaning in July

We celebrated Independence Day by giving our prison cell apartment a thorough scrubbing. "Thorough" as in near-blisters and aching joints when we were done. Except we weren't really done, because we still have our bedroom and closets to do tonight. That this includes a new bed, desk and rug - completing the Extreme Makeover - makes it all a bit more bearable.It's funny how you can go months without realizing you've simply been treading water, waiting for something to happen instead of making it happen. We hadn't really done much with the apartment since we'd started looking at houses, and…

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Retro: Runners #1-5

Atari Force was one of my favorite comics as a kid, and of course Star Wars remains one of the most influential movies I've ever seen, and Sean Wang's Runners evokes fond memories of both, with a welcome dose of humor thrown in the mix. Clever scripting and nice, clean artwork, I will be seeking out the other four issues to this series as soon as possible.

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Buzzscope Interview: Alias’ Miller In the Hot Seat

Miller owns up to mistakes, promises 30 years of comics Alias Enterprises burst onto the comics scene a few months back, hot on the heels of a trio of successful titles published under the Image banner: Lullaby, The Imaginaries, and Lions, Tigers and Bears. With multi-page advertising spreads in Previews, and an all-out internet PR-blitz promoting their relatively little-to-unknown creators and/or properties and their $0.75 first issues, Alias was poised to make a bang throughout the month April with an aggressive slate of 12 brand new titles all scheduled to hit the stands before Free Comic Book Day. As the…

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