Five Things: August 3, 2023
"On Mexico City, rest and recovery, World Cup 2023, comic book love, and dreading the Bat Signal." Five things for August 3, 2023.
"On Mexico City, rest and recovery, World Cup 2023, comic book love, and dreading the Bat Signal." Five things for August 3, 2023.
"Be the change you want to see." Five things for April 27, 2023. That's it! That's the excerpt.
"They never liked you or what you had to say." Five things for March 16, 2023. That's it! That's the excerpt.
Five things for December 1, 2022. That's it! That's the excerpt.
Between research for Comics Plus (aka, the day job) and many hours of the wonderful Mangasplaining podcast, I've been able to zero in on stories that are most likely to be up my alley without putting too big a dent in my wallet. As a result, manga has become the majority of what I've read and enjoyed this year.
Five things for October 20, 2022. That's it! That's the excerpt.
Five things for February 3, 2022. That's it! That's the excerpt.