ménage à trois: 4/6/05

[One Marvel, one DC, both published the previous Wednesday, plus a random indie from whenever I feel like it, each reviewed quickie-style: 1 Minute=bad, 10 Minutes=good. Connections, if any at all, may be forced purely for the experience.]At this point, distracted by the passage of time, the filing of a pile of back issues and the arrival of some interesting Moonstone product, I've pretty much forgotten about most of the new comics I bought last week! Fortunately, I'd already set aside my threesome for the week and now offer them up, even quicker than usual.Power Pack #1 is an "All…

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Adopt A Comic: Elk’s Run #1 UPDATE

Comics...you can't give the damn things away!Seriously, though, entries for one of the two FREE copies of Elk's Run #1 (sold out, BTW, for all you collector-types) have been less than overwhelming. And it's not for lack of traffic because the original announcement itself has been viewed more than 100 times, not to mention the couple of hundred views when it was still on the main page.The fu--?It's a FREE COMIC BOOK, PEOPLE! And a GOOD one, at that!! Come on, dammit!!!So, with only five days left in the contest, I've decided to sweeten the pot a little bit. In…

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PSA: Comic Books, Porn Stars & Kids?

What do comic books and porn stars have in common? I mean, besides an overlapping fanbase of sexually frustrated momma's boys?At the Big Apple Con last weekend, I had to do an about-face or two while strolling the aisles with my 4-year old son so as to avoid a scantily-clad "model" selling soft-core pictures of herself to drooling fanboys while her pimp manager stood by her side moderating the situation. Apparently, compared to the bigger conventions where actual porn stars are hawking their wares alongside comic book publishers and artists, this was a pretty tame moment.Now, I'm far from prudish…

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Retro: Forgotten Realms #1-4

As an unashamed, born again player of Dungeons & Dungeons, I was excited by last month's official announcement that Devil's Due was on the verge of "acquir[ing] the license to the entire D&D® library." While I've enjoyed some of the D&D-based novels TSR/Wizards of the Coast has published over the years, too many of them have been bland, formulaic marketing promotions for their latest gaming supplements or campaign setting, and I hadn't picked up a comic book version in...well, ever, actually.My return to D&D two years ago coincided with my return to comic books, and it was at my first…

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ménage à trois: 3/30/05

[One Marvel, one DC, both published the previous Wednesday, plus a random indie from whenever I feel like it, each reviewed quickie-style: 1 Minute=bad, 10 Minutes=good. Connections, if any at all, may be forced purely for the experience.]On a comic book Wednesday dominated by DC's creatively bankrupt death and resurrection tales in Countdown to Infinite Crisis and Batman #638, it was tough work to pull together a satisfying threesome of graphic pleasures. So tough, in fact, that I ended up settling for a mixed bag of great (Mu #3), good (Batgirl #62) and, "It took how long for this crappy…

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Adopt a Comic: Win Elk’s Run #1

[NOTE: Updated contest info here.]Generally speaking, the Comics Blogiverse is relatively united when it comes to showing love for indie comics and harping on the need to support them, with several sites even running contests giving away copies of trade paperbacks of series they want more people to read. I've been sitting on the idea myself, planning to run such a contest for 100 Girls when its TPB becomes available, but realized today that, while a nice gesture, when it comes to indies, "waiting for the trade" can often be a death sentence.Serendipitously, I received in the mail today my…

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ménage à trois: 3/23/05

[One Marvel, one DC, both published the previous Wednesday, plus a random indie from whenever I feel like it, each reviewed quickie-style: 1 Minute=bad, 10 Minutes=good. Connections, if any at all, may be forced purely for the experience.]Thanks to an impromptu trip south to Virginia for the Easter weekend -- a trip which inadvertently led to a new column, Retailer Spotlight, coming soon -- last Wednesday's comic book haul didn't get the kind of first-reading that would allow for the usual graphic threesome. Instead, it's an orgy of spandex-clad heroes, with a few gritty exceptions -- money shots only.Araña: Heart…

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