Milestone’s Timely Return Should Offer Distinguished Competition

Thankfully, it sounds like Milestone isn't planning to place all their chips on comics alone because I doubt they'll find much success in the core comics market. But as part of a broader distribution and media strategy that will hopefully include original graphic novels, webcomics, animation, and, eventually, live-action TV and/or movies and video games, I'm excited about the possibilities.

The Unbearable Stiffness of Formal Poetry and Writing for the Page

Interestingly, Spiegelman nails the underlying problem with poetry in general, though he seems to imply it's a flaw related more to a poet's level of experience with form rather than an inherent flaw in poetry in general, but especially that written for the page. While formal poetry has never been my cup of tea, the vast majority of poetry -- formal and free verse, written and oral -- actually bores me to tears for the exact reasons Spiegelman notes.

What is Journalism?

Journalism is more than soundbites or "just the facts, ma'am" but getting "the facts" is a critical first step that involves the kind of research, investigation and perspective few link-bloggers can offer. While people may think they don't care about "journalism," they usually realize that's not the case when the lack thereof leads to things like political scandals, financial disasters, and ill-conceived wars.