Retailer Spotlight: Richmond Comix

A few weeks back, we took a trip south to visit my mother in Virginia, and I decided to hit Diamond's Comic Shop Locator to see what the four-color world was like outside of New York City. Punching in the zip code of her suburban Richmond town, I was surprised to see only three shops pop up, none in Richmond itself. I input a few more zip codes for Richmond proper and parts due north, and still came up with the same three shops. Odd, I thought, but Virginia is a bit of a conservative state - to this NYer,…

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Adopt A Comic: Elk’s Run #1 UPDATE can't give the damn things away!Seriously, though, entries for one of the two FREE copies of Elk's Run #1 (sold out, BTW, for all you collector-types) have been less than overwhelming. And it's not for lack of traffic because the original announcement itself has been viewed more than 100 times, not to mention the couple of hundred views when it was still on the main page.The fu--?It's a FREE COMIC BOOK, PEOPLE! And a GOOD one, at that!! Come on, dammit!!!So, with only five days left in the contest, I've decided to sweeten the pot a little bit. In…

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Adopt a Comic: Win Elk’s Run #1

[NOTE: Updated contest info here.]Generally speaking, the Comics Blogiverse is relatively united when it comes to showing love for indie comics and harping on the need to support them, with several sites even running contests giving away copies of trade paperbacks of series they want more people to read. I've been sitting on the idea myself, planning to run such a contest for 100 Girls when its TPB becomes available, but realized today that, while a nice gesture, when it comes to indies, "waiting for the trade" can often be a death sentence.Serendipitously, I received in the mail today my…

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Interview: Field on Free Comic Book Day

Who doesn't like free comic books? On Saturday, May 7th, 2005, participating comic book shops across North America and around the world will be giving away comic books from more than 25 different publishers absolutely free to anyone who comes into their stores, as part of the 4th Annual Free Comic Book Day, celebrating "an original American art form." "The selection of titles is a testament to the diversity in the industry," says Diamond Comic Distributors Marketing Communications Manager and Free Comic Book Day Committee spokesperson, Barry Lyga. "More than anything else, Free Comic Book Day exists to show that…

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PSA: Free Comic Book Day 2005 Announced

Free Comic Book Day 2005 will be celebrated around the world on May 7, 2005, a date voted on by comic book retailers. As in years past, on Free Comic Book Day anyone can walk into a participating comic book specialty store and receive a free comic book, with no purchase required (while supplies last)."This year marks the fourth annual Free Comic Book Day," said Free Comic Book Day Committee spokesperson Barry Lyga. "Its success has been proven beyond a doubt, as stores enjoy record crowds, fans get a holiday all their own, and new readers discover the wonders of…

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One 37-cent stamp, and five minutes of your time, and you might make a difference. The Honorable David M. Walker Comptroller General of the United States U.S. General Accountability Office 441 G Street, NW Washington, DC 20548 Dear Mr. Walker: I am writing as a registered voter and a taxpaying citizen of the United States, to request that you launch a public and fully-transparent investigation into the increasing allegations of massive and wide-spread election fraud perpetrated against the American voting public on Tuesday, November 2nd. The right to vote, and the right to have that vote properly counted, is perhaps…

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NaNoWriMo, Dean, Kerry and the WFP

Old man winter has arrived on a mission, kicking in the door and pistol-whipping me into submission. Was it really 70 degrees here on Sunday!?!

Yesterday was the start of Week 2 of NaNoWriMo and while I have officially surpassed my output from last year’s prolonged 2.5 month attempt, I’m also 7,663 words in the hole as of Day 8! I am right on schedule with what’s referred to as the Week 2 Wall, though – that time where a little thing called “PLOT” is supposed to kick in. Figure I can introduce two more characters, and develop some more of the overall backstory, before I have to figure out where it’s all going.

Howard Dean as head of the DNC? Like his primary campaign, on the surface it sounds like a much-needed change. Until you remember that he’s a craven opportunist, a little bit more outspoken than most Democrats but at his core, not fundamentally different.

Meanwhile, John Kerry seems to think he has some political capital of his own to spend and is fired up to get back in the Senate and get his hands dirty: “Sometimes God tests you,” Kerry told the crowd at H20, a restaurant on the Potomac waterfront, according to an aide. “I’m a fighter, and I’ve come back before.” Um, John, dude, God didn’t test you, he punk’d you! And a good portion of the 55 million that voted for you, mainly voted against Bush. Another significant portion will be jumping on the Hilary bandwagon shortly. Ask Al and Joe. You’re done.

Does anyone really believe that blanket insults directed towards Middle America are the most effective way to make them see the error of their ways? That there really are 56 million complete idiots across this country, that had no idea what they were voting for? Like a good portion of Kerry’s supporters didn’t do some similar weighing of their values and choose to compromise for their perception of the lesser of two evils?


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