My issues with the Democratic Party Platform: Strong at Home, Respected in the World, aka Identity Crisis.
from the PREAMBLE
That is the America we believe in. That is the America we are fighting for. That is the America we will build together – one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.
Boilerplate, I know, but still annoying for it’s pandering to the south.
Time and again, this Administration confuses leadership with going it alone and engagement with compromise of principle. They do not understand that real leadership means standing by your principles and rallying others to join you.
“Standing by your principles??!” How did that get in there when Prince Flip-Flop is at the top of the ticket?
Today, we face three great challenges above all others – first, to win the global war against terror; second, to stop the spread of nuclear, biological and chemical weapons; and third, to promote democracy and freedom around the world, starting with a peaceful and stable Iraq.
Did anybody proofread this thing? How did George Bush’s platform sneak in here?!?!
To meet these challenges, we need a new national security policy guided by four new imperatives:… Second, we must modernize the world’s most powerful military to meet the new threats.
That’s not a new imperative. That’s business as usual!
With John Kerry as Commander-in-Chief, we will never wait for a green light from abroad when our safety is at stake, but we must enlist those whose support we need for ultimate victory… Democracy will not blossom overnight, but America should speed its growth by sustaining the forces of democracy against repressive regimes and by rewarding governments that work toward this end.
And this is different from Bush’s stance how?
We will attack the exploding opium trade ignored by the Bush Administration by doubling our counter-narcotics assistance to the Karzai Government and reinvigorating the regional drug control program.
Ah, the return of the war on drugs! What next? “Just say no!”