re: Today's primary in Washington, DC, from the Washington Post: Outside the Anacostia library, college student Andrea J. Young said she was content with the unusual exercise in political expression, given how few voting opportunities are generally afforded D.C. residents. "In most elections we really don't have a say," the 19-year-old said. "Even if it's just a whisper, today I have a say."It's a shame that most DC residents won't see it that way, not bothering to vote today, discouraged by the "non-binding" status their vote has been tagged with thanks to the outdated tradition that says Iowa and New…
Desperate for a Return to Relevancy
So the spineless Bill Bradley is endorsing Howard Dean and the still-fawning media is reporting it like it's some kind of coup. The same Bill Bradley who lacked the guts to keep pressing his own "insurgent" campaign in 2000 (when he had Gore on the ropes and could have brought his hard-earned delegates to the convention and demanded some concessions that might've made Gore a more appealing candidate to his own base), instead choosing to cozy up to him as if he didn't really mean all the Dean-like swipes he'd taken at him during his short-lived campaign. Who's next in…
Are you registered to vote?
An interesting take on politics and the current election for President for those who think voting is a waste of time: How an anarchist came to run the Kucinich campaign in Rhode Island. Part 1. (excerpted from article) Since we’re nowhere near revolution right now, someone is going to be President. To pretend that not voting or not being involved in the political process will make the Presidency disappear is to be more foolish than the libertarians who pretend that by working to make someone else richer your freedom, individuality, dignity, and basic rights should disappear. So as a…
************** According to the 2004 AMERICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE SELECTOR Dennis Kucinich best matches my political views.Who gets your vote?************** My Full Results: 1. My ideal theoretical candidate. (100%)2. Kucinich, Rep. Dennis, OH - Democrat (84%)3. Socialist Candidate (72%) 4. Dean, Gov. Howard, VT - Democrat (72%) 5. Edwards, Senator John, NC - Democrat (68%) 6. Kerry, Senator John, MA - Democrat (66%) 7. Gephardt, Rep. Dick, MO - Democrat (63%) 8. Clark, Retired General Wesley K., AR - Democrat (63%) 9. Moseley-Braun, Former Senator Carol, IL - Democrat (59%) 10. Sharpton, Reverend Al - Democrat (56%) 11. Lieberman,…
Has Dean Peaked?
For all those ready to coronate Dean on the basis of his poll numbers in TWO small states that have been the center of attention, a look at the National numbers should be rather sobering: Quinnipiac University Poll. (Dec. 4-8, 2003) "Suppose the general election for president were being held today, and the candidates were [see below] the Democrat, and George W. Bush the Republican, for whom would you vote?" Bush: 50% / Clark: 41% / Don't Know: 6% Bush: 51% / Dean: 40% / Don't Know: 5% Bush: 51% / Lieberman: 40% / Don't Know: 5% Bush: 51% /…
Kucinich, Sharpton Shine in Debate
Rushed home last night after an amazing Acentos (Alixa and Naima absolutely blew me away with a provocative and political performance piece that went way beyond simple poetry!) and some interesting political discussions to catch Niteline's airing of highlights from the debate in New Hampshire. From the news reports I've read this morning, and the transcript itself, they cut out some interesting moments to squeeze the 90 minute event into Niteline's 60 minute (minus commercials) time slot. Overall, despite Ted Koppell being a terrible moderator, I was pleased to see Kucinich given as much air time as he was. More…
An interesting take on things from the NY Times: The move carries obvious potential rewards, but equally obvious risks, for both men. The sudden marriage of such a seeming odd couple could wind up being seen as so politically expedient as to seem almost unprincipled, playing into the public's worst perceptions that campaigns are about power and winning, not big ideas. "It plays into Republicans, who want to re-fight the last election and run against Democrats as not having firm moral values or beliefs," one Democratic strategist said. "They're going to use it against Gore, saying he threw out everything…