Tag: Fiction

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.


In the ten winters since she’d come to this unbearably hot island, Lady Bludwerth found herself longing for the travails of her homeland more and more often. The fact that “winters” was a definition of time that had little meaning here was only a small part of the reason. That there was a virtue in

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

Today’s going to be a good one.

Mr. Lawnge’s remix of Queen’s Flash Gordon Theme is playing on my Launch station as I start writing this. 🙂 A busy week ahead as I’m taking two days off work to head up to SUNY-Oneonta for a feature on Wednesday night. Robb Thibault – Fargo, 1998 – runs the Student Union and invited me

Avatar: Me, in front of my bookshelves, wearing a black t-shirt that says, "runner" on it.

Selected Squares of Concrete

SELECTED SQUARES OF CONCRETE. That’s the name of my new chapbook that I just finished putting together last night. I’m going to release it at Acentos on Tuesday if I can get it turned around quick enough. “But, Guy…” you’re probably saying, “You’ve written one new poem in three years! How in the world do

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