FLATLAND: The Village Gar’tor

By St. Cuthbert's beard, I signed up for the military to kill Orcs! Kobolds and half-orcs and the ignorant humans willing to deal with them were not what I'd expected. Never mind the undead! If I wasn't disappointed when they split Leoroar and I into different units, I certainly was when I fell beneath the claws of that damned skeleton. Two days after we'd arrived at Fort Greene, T'ohthin, grumpy old troll that he is, sent me and two others into the Blood Forest to deal with a "marauder" that was waylaying caravans leaving the Village Gar'tor, a small settlement…

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FLATLAND: Prologue

SAMUEL FLETCHER Ought-Seven:UE (Unasian Era) By the age of thirty-seven, Samuel Fletcher had cheated death more times than he could recall, thanking Olidammara at every opportunity. Taken from his village and pressed into military service at 15 years old, he’d come of age during a violent and lawless time, spending his next fifteen years fighting in the Thousand Years War – first as a capable soldier defending the northern regions of Flatland, then an unprincipled spy for the highest bidder, as kingdoms fell and borders shifted and original disputes were long-forgotten. At 30 years old, the War finally ended when…

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