Late-Friday Randomness... Assuming this cold we're all fighting doesn't ruin things, tomorrow's birthday party for the kids should be fun. We're expecting 12 kids altogether, the most by far to be in our place at one time. Never mind the 20 or so adults accompanying them! Isaac was sick as a dog for his first birthday party and he and India have both been coughing with runny noses for the past few days. They're two handfuls normally, and sick kids become cranky kids, so this morning was a nightmare getting them out of the house without Salomé. Plus, I feel…

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Pumpkin Seeds: Are You Ready For Some Football? Edition

1. Thanks to Eliel, I'm going to tonight's Jets/Giants pre-season game! Guess that means I really can't back out of his feature at 13 on Monday, hunh? ;-) 2. The football season couldn't have been better timed, what with the Mets doing their best impersonation of Justin Guarini's entertainment "career." Please, please, please give me hope for 2005 by firing Art Howe now and giving Don Baylor the job before someone else snatches him up in the off-season! 3. I'm in four fantasy football leagues this year, two on's Exit42 and two on Yahoo! Sports. My primary league, the…

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Franklin Delano Roosevelt State Park turned out to be a perfect place for an extended family picnic and Saturday's weather couldn't have been better for it. Considering I haven't been to the gym in over a month now, I should have known better than to jump into a game of two-hand touch without stretching at all. Especially after an hour of rowing a boat had started blisters on my thumbs and tightened up my shoulders. But it was Saturday evening, we were leaving soon, and given the company, it felt too much like a Fresh Air Fund moment to skip.…

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Arkansan Wesley Clark to Plug Patriots So Wesley Clark, good old Southern boy that he is, is a...Patriots fan? As in the New England Patriots? And this only a few days after Madonna endorses him for President? Can you spell loser? C-L-A-R-K.

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Between the unpredictability of the football season and a particularly vibrant baseball playoffs, this is the most exciting time of the year in sports. The underlying drama of the playoffs is as compelling as any book or movie and as unpredictable as the best episodes of Survivor or the workings of the female mind. I'm not a Yankee fan and love few things more than to root against them. It has less to do with their payroll (the Mets are just as guilty of throwing money around and gouging their fans, only for them it's usually towards a losing effort)…

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In other news... Judge overturns ruling on Redskins nickname "There is no evidence in the record that addresses whether the use of the term 'redskin(s)' in the context of a football team and related entertainment services would be viewed by a substantial composite of Native Americans, in the relevant time frame, as disparaging," she wrote. [U.S. District Judge Colleen] Kollar-Kotelly also found that the activists waited too long to make their claims -- 25 years after the Redskins first registered their trademarks. "In 1967, the NFL was still a nascent industry," she wrote. "Had this suit been brought at that…

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Today’s going to be a good one.

Mr. Lawnge's remix of Queen's Flash Gordon Theme is playing on my Launch station as I start writing this. :-) A busy week ahead as I'm taking two days off work to head up to SUNY-Oneonta for a feature on Wednesday night. Robb Thibault - Fargo, 1998 - runs the Student Union and invited me to open their slam season. Have a full 30-40 minutes so I'm looking forward to stretching my legs and doing some pieces I haven't done in awhile. Getting paid nicely, too, which is always a good thing! Hung out with Phil West on Friday night,…

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