On the Shelves: 12/7/05
Support GOOD Comics! Try something new EVERY month! It’s the home stretch for 2005! My weekly look at select comic books being released tomorrow, 12/7/05. The full shipping is list available at ComicList. [NOTE: Not all of these titles will actually arrive in all stores. If your LCBS offers a pre-ordering service, be sure to
COMMENT: Cosmic Spider-Man is Broken!
This past March, my sporadic co-blogger Dan did a write-up on the [new at the time] Marvel Knights expansion set to Upper Deck’s Vs. System, the trading card game that lets you pit superheroes and supervillians against each other, Magic-style. I’d never played, but owned a few of the random cards that had been distributed
Retro: Forgotten Realms #1-4
As an unashamed, born again player of Dungeons & Dungeons, I was excited by last month’s official announcement that Devil’s Due was on the verge of “acquir[ing] the license to the entire D&D® library.” While I’ve enjoyed some of the D&D-based novels TSR/Wizards of the Coast has published over the years, too many of them
Politics of Video Games
Trust Omar to find the good stuff. Bloglines is the shiznit! Not only can I monitor the blogs I read regularly from one place – a la LiveJournal’s Friends list, without the creepy “Friend me” angle – but it lets me monitor other blog-like sites I check regularly, including Wizards’ D&D pages, Craigslist-ings, Snopes.com and
President Forever 2004
President Forever 2004 is the perfect computer sim for political junkies. I bought the full version last week (only $12, well worth it!) and have run through six campaigns so far with Dubya kicking my ass all but once. He beat Kerry twice, paired up with Edwards and then Gephardt, neither of whom helped carry
When I got into Dungeons & Dragons back in High School, there were a number of other role-playing games I was familiar with – Gamma World, James Bond, Marvel Superheroes, etc. – and they all took place within fantasy worlds of some sort, past or future. Even James Bond, which took place in something resembling
Where’s my nerds at?
My role-playing ones, specifically, because I’m itching for some D&D! Haven’t played in years…since 1985 or so. Was big on it in early high school. We played more than D&D, too, branching out into Marvel Superheroes, James Bond and a few others I can’t remember. D&D was the King, though, and the one that holds