Notes on Mini-Super Tuesday

1. Joe-mentum has officially run out of gas. Credit his supporters - as far off the mark as Kucinich's - for having the courage of their convictions and voting for him anyway instead of jumping on the misguided "electability" bandwagon. The fact that he'll have a voice at the convention and Kucinich may not really pisses me off. 2. Kerry's military resume ultimately doesn't count for shit. If it did, Clark would be the front-runner, hands down. If the other candidates only learn one thing from Dean's rise and fall, it should be that you can't run on one issue.…

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Give me a talk show!

I really should have my own talk show. Radio or TV, I don't care which! I first mentioned the following possibility on December 10, 2003: The real New Hampshire winner is a former New York mayor Politically speaking, a Bush-Giuliani ticket would solve a lot of problems...Assume John Kerry and John Edwards make up the Democratic ticket, playing on the same populist themes that are serving them well in the current campaign. Set up against Bush-Cheney, the election becomes a war for turnout of the bases, with many in the political middle written off. Put Giuliani in the mix and…

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Playing it safe

The most unfortunate victim of the Iowa caucuses was last night's lackluster debate in New Hampshire as everyone decided to play it safe with cautious, uninspiring performances that were unlikely to change anyone's minds or spur the undecideds in any particular direction. It actually made me feel sorry for Howard Dean as the way-over-the-top criticism of his Iowa concession speech left him off-balance, unable to really whack a couple of softballs thrown his way by the moderators. He did get one good shot in when given a second chance to comment on KerryEdwardsLieberman's voting for the war resolution - laying…

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Presidential Match

Found another Presidential Match site that has you rate various issues and, in a nice twist, at the end it lets you rank the general categories (ie: Social Issues, Security and International Policy, etc.) by personal importance. It then lists the candidates by how closely they match what you're looking for: 1 Kucinich Score: 100%2 Sharpton Score: 89%3 Kerry Score: 88% 4 Clark Score: 82% 5 Dean Score: 82% 6 Edwards Score: 79% 7 Lieberman Score: 69% 8 Bush Score: 3% Not at all surprising that Kucinich came in first. Sharpton and Kerry running neck and neck speaks more to…

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Dear Dr. Dean

Dear Dr. Dean: I would like to offer my condolences on your embarassing third place finish yesterday in the Iowa caucuses. You really got yours handed to you on a platter. On the bright side, that sellout Gephardt took one square on the chin. There's a line at the end of one of my poems that I think may fit how you're feeling right now: To have come so far for this seems such a waste. I'm sure I'm not the first to say that you shouldn't feel that way, though, even if you realize you've got no one to…

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Kucinich, Edwards Make a Deal

Surprising development out of Iowa as Dennis Kucinich and John Edwards have reportedly struck a deal to support whichever of them gets closer to the 15% support threshold - the minimum required to receive delegates in the ridiculously complicated caucus system. (In simple terms: 14.9% or less = ZERO delegates, better make a deal!) Both are being very specific in saying they are not endorsing each other and that this move is strictly about the Iowa caucuses. Neither of their web sites mentions the deal at all. Even the most diehard Kucinich supporter has to realize this means he's backing…

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Desperate for a Return to Relevancy

So the spineless Bill Bradley is endorsing Howard Dean and the still-fawning media is reporting it like it's some kind of coup. The same Bill Bradley who lacked the guts to keep pressing his own "insurgent" campaign in 2000 (when he had Gore on the ropes and could have brought his hard-earned delegates to the convention and demanded some concessions that might've made Gore a more appealing candidate to his own base), instead choosing to cozy up to him as if he didn't really mean all the Dean-like swipes he'd taken at him during his short-lived campaign. Who's next in…

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